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How to extract complete JSON response data in JMeter?




I am new to JMeter and still in learning phase.

I am making a rest call in JMeter. The response data that i receive, i want to use it as it is in following rest call. Sample of response data that i receive is:

   "expiresBy":"Sat May 02 14:49:06 EDT 2015",
      "Super BA Admin",
      "Super BA Admin",

For this i added a Regular Expression Extractor but i do not know what regular expression to give.

Please suggest. Thanks.

like image 988
silver_noodles Avatar asked Apr 06 '15 23:04


People also ask

What is JSON extract?

JSON_EXTRACT. Extracts a JSON value, such as an array or object, or a JSON scalar value, such as a string, number, or boolean. JSON-formatted STRING or JSON. JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR. Extracts a scalar value.

1 Answers

If you want to use response as it is , add a beanshell-post processor instead of Regular Expression Extractor.

vars.put("JSONResponse", prev.getResponseDataAsString());

Now you access it using below statement in the next request.

like image 89
vins Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
