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How to expose a RESTful Web Service using Meteor




How would you go about creating a restful web service using Meteor. I would like to create apps in Appcelerator that hook into the same backend.

Can Meteor solve this problem?

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Andrew Zielinski Avatar asked Apr 14 '12 02:04

Andrew Zielinski

People also ask

How are REST services accessed?

Step #1 – Enter the URL of the API in the textbox of the tool. Step #2 – Select the HTTP method used for this API (GET, POST, PATCH, etc). Step #3 – Enter any headers if they are required in the Headers textbox. Step #4 – Pass the request body of the API in a key-value pair.

1 Answers

I did a full write-on on this in Meteorpedia:


The post reviews all 6 options for creating REST interfaces, from highest level (e.g. smart packages that handle everything for you) to lowest level (e.g. writing your own connectHandler).

Additionally the post covers when using a REST interface is the right or wrong thing to do in Meteor, references Meteor REST testing tools, and explains common pitfalls like CORS security issues.

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gadicc Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09
