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Deserializing a json string with restsharp

I have a string that comes out of a database which is in Json format.

I have tried to deserialize it with:

RestSharp.Deserializers.JsonDeserializer deserial = new JsonDeserializer(); var x = deserial .Deserialize<Customer>(myStringFromDB) 

But the .Deserialize function expects an IRestResponse

Is there a way to use RestSharp to just deserialize raw strings?

like image 862
Ian Vink Avatar asked May 13 '13 19:05

Ian Vink

People also ask

Does RestSharp use Newtonsoft?

Newtonsoft. Json package is not provided by RestSharp, is marked as obsolete on NuGet, and no longer supported by its creator.

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Json structure is made up with {}, [], comma, colon and double quotation marks and it includes the following data types: Object, Number, Boolean, String, and Array. Serialize means convert an object instance to an XML document. Deserialize means convert an XML document into an object instance.

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DeserializeObject Method. Deserializes the JSON to a . NET object.

2 Answers

There are sereval ways to do this. A very popular library to handle json is the Newtonsoft.Json. Probably you already have it on your asp.net project but if not, you could add it from nuget.

Considering you have a response object, include the following namespaces and call the static method DeserializeObject<T> from JsonConvert class:

using Newtonsoft.Json; using RestSharp; 
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(response.Content); 

On the response.Content, you will have the raw result, so just deserialize this string to a json object. The T in the case is the type you need to deserialize.

For example:

var customerDto = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CustomerDto>(response.Content); 


Recently, Microsoft has added a namespace System.Text.Json which handle json format on the .Net platform. You could use it calling the JsonSerializer.Deserialize<T> static method:

using System.Text.Json; 
var customer = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Customer>(jsonContent); 
like image 184
Felipe Oriani Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09

Felipe Oriani

If you want to avoid using extra libraries, try this:

RestSharp.RestResponse response = new RestSharp.RestResponse();  response.Content = myStringFromDB;   RestSharp.Deserializers.JsonDeserializer deserial = new JsonDeserializer();  Customer x = deserial.Deserialize<Customer>(response); 

Caveats apply - not extensively tested - but seems to work well enough.

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StevieJ81 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09
