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How to export/import breakpoints on VS 2013?

I'd like to import/export breakpoints which I'm used to export(xml format) from VS 2008/2010, but can't load it from VS2013.

I remember once I upgraded to VS2013 and converted to VS2013 solution from VS2008 environment, breakpoints worked fine. I think I could save one time in VS2013, and tried to load it once I delete them all by accident. Somehow I got the error "Unable to import breakpoints". even I add breakpoints, and tried to export them but got the error "Unable to export breakpoints" on small popup. Would you guide if you have any workaround or solutionenter image description here?

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spark Avatar asked Feb 03 '14 17:02


3 Answers

The answer above worked, but only for a short time, and as soon as I reset all my settings and got the breakpoints set up again, it failed soon after. The solution was to debug the application and then try saving. I do have a couple of possible mitigating factors:

1) I'm using Git (and git extensions) as my only add-in 2) I'm building and debugging as Admin in windows 8.1

You might want to try this before you nuke months of useful settings tweaks.

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Sean Flanagan Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 12:11

Sean Flanagan

As I reset all settings and it works again as you see at http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/f407c02b-1afe-45f4-a22b-92cb681b197c/how-to-exportimport-breakpoints-on-vs-2013-while-debugging?forum=vsdebug

Thank you for helping me out.

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spark Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 13:11


FWIW I was "unable to import breakpoints" on VS2013 just now and then remembered that I changed the startup project yesterday after saving them. When I changed startup back to the original project, the import worked fine. If you're struggling, it may be worth checking any changes at the solution/project level since the export.

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riemannzz Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 12:11
