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How to Export Viewport3D to a 2d Image file?





I'm using 3d in WPF and want to save it to a 2d image file, kind of screen shot. What's the best way to do that ?

like image 724
Erez Avatar asked Oct 08 '22 12:10


1 Answers

In his 12 days of WPF 3D series, Eric Sink has a nice post about Rendering a WPF 3D scene to a Bitmap. Also of interest might be the post on Printing support.

And for any WPF 3D user, I highly recommend the (open-source) Helix 3D Toolkit, which has several importers and exporters to different formats, and is an essential WPF 3D companion library.

like image 152
Govert Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 02:10
