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How to export large amount of data using sql developer - Oracle



I want to upload some data from UAT DB to DEV DB. When I try to do this from Export function in SQL Developer, I got an error File C:\Users\xxx\export.sql was not opened because it exceeds the maximum automatic open size

How can I copy the UAT data to DEV ?

ORACLE Version 12C
SQL Developer Version
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ever alian Avatar asked May 07 '15 03:05

ever alian

People also ask

How do I export a large amount of data in SQL Developer?

On SQL developer, when right click on Table and click export, export wizard will be launched you can select either "Save As" - "separate files" that will export data in same SQL file. OR you can change the format type on the same wizard to CSV that will export data in CSV format.

How do I export a large amount of data from Oracle to excel?

Select Tools, and then Export as Spreadsheet. Depending on how you want to export the data, take an action: Select Save, and then save the file. Select Open, and then work with the data in the browser instance of Microsoft Excel that displays.

2 Answers

found the below answer from a SQL Developer forum :

It appears that the "maximum automatic open size" is hard-coded to a value of 500000 (bytes, I believe) with no way to override it. By limiting this, we nip in the bud any potential complaints of Java OutOfMemory upon trying to open a huge file.

To view the file from within SQL Developer despite this limitation, just use the File|Open menu. For those huge files, please use an external editor. And if you don't want to open files automatically in order to suppress the warning dialog, use Tools|Preferences|Database|Export/View DDL Options and un-check the "Open Sql File When Exported" box.

Are you certain the export file does not contain all the insert rows? That would be a bug unless you hit an OutOfMemory or disk full condition. I just tried your scenario on at 55000 row table that produced an export.sql of about 20MB. All rows were included.

Regards, Gary Graham SQL Developer Team

and as the summary, it suggested that the SQL developer is not the best tool to open a large size of data file.

hope Gary's answer will guide you to some extent.

If you need to get an idea of some tools that you can open large files, check this LINK

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Nomesh DeSilva Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

Nomesh DeSilva

Solution 1:

enter image description here

Set these values to some higher value!

Solution 2:

enter image description here

change "save to" to worksheet!

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user7023213 Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09
