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sql error on script execution. try deleting repository before creating repository

I want to migrate my mysql databse to oracle. I have followed the migration demo from this url http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/migration/connect-step-mysql-1946352.html

but I got this message when try to associate migration repository

sql error on script execution. try deleting repository before creating repository

I am using
Oracle Sql Developer v
Oracle express edition 11g releas 2

see the picture bellow what I have tried step by step

step1: Creating a user named migration_repo

enter image description here

step 2: Creating connection named migration_repo using migration_repo user enter image description here

step3: try to associate migration repository enter image description here

step4: executing the command enter image description here

but after few seconds I got this error message. enter image description here

Now. how can I solve this? what I have done wrong?

like image 446
Nur Uddin Avatar asked Jul 29 '15 10:07

Nur Uddin

1 Answers

I had the same problem, this was solved changing the GRANT statement with...

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES to {migration-name} identified by {migration-name};

just be aware to remove privileges after migration tasks.

like image 169
Oxalc Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10
