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How to export / dump a MySql table into a text file including the field names (aka headers or column names)

In MySql's interpreter, it's very easy to dump a table to the screen along with its field names.

There seems to be no simple way to export a table to a tab-delimted or CSV outfile including its column headers.

I'm trying to do this using only SQL or the Linux command line, without writing a program in another language.

Thank you

like image 654
Dan Goldstein Avatar asked Nov 04 '08 18:11

Dan Goldstein

People also ask

How do I export a table in MySQL?

MySQL workbench tool can be used to export the data from the table. Open the MySQL database wizard & select the table you want to export. Right-click on the table name & select the table data export wizard option.

How do I export a column in MySQL?

You can do it very easily using MySQL GUI tools like SQLyog, PHPMyAdmin. In SQLyog you just need to select the table, Click on "Export As..." Icon and you will get dialog to select the columns that you want to Export. Then click on "Export Button".

2 Answers

Piping the query to the commandline client outputs a tab separated list with the column names as the first line

$ echo "select * from surveys limit 5" | mysql -uroot -pGandalf surveys
phone   param1  param2  param3  param4  p0      p1      p2      p3      audio4  code    time
XXXXXXXXX       2008-07-02      11:17:23        XXXXXXXX        SAT     -       -       -       -       -       ERROR   2008-07-02 12:18:32
XXXXXXXXX       2008-07-02      11:22:52        XXXXXXXX        SAT     -       -       -       -       -       COLGADO 2008-07-02 12:04:29
XXXXXXXXX       2008-07-02      11:41:29        XXXXXXXX        SAT     -       -       -       -       -       COLGADO 2008-07-02 12:07:22
XXXXXXXXX       2008-07-02      12:16:19        XXXXXXXX        SAT     1       1       1       9       XXXXXXXXX_4.wav     OK      2008-07-02 16:14:27
XXXXXXXXX       2008-07-02      08:21:25        XXXXXXXX        SAT     1       1       1       1       XXXXXXXXX_4.wav     OK      2008-07-02 12:29:40
like image 64
Vinko Vrsalovic Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10

Vinko Vrsalovic

This little script should do it:

-- 1. choose the table and the output file here / this should be the only input

select 'mytable' into @tableName;
select 'c://temp/test.csv' into @outputFile;

-- 2. get the column names in a format that will fit the query

select group_concat(concat("'",column_name, "'")) into @columnNames from information_schema.columns
where table_name=@tableName;

-- 3. build the query

SET @query = CONCAT(
"select * from
((SELECT ",@columnNames,")
(SELECT * FROM `",@tableName,"`)) as a
INTO OUTFILE '", @outputFile, "'");

-- 4. execute the query

PREPARE stmt FROM @query;
like image 22
cafe876 Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 10:10
