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How to expire state of dropDuplicates in structured streaming to avoid OOM?

I want to count the unique access for each day using spark structured streaming, so I use the following code


and in the next day the state maintained for today should be dropped so that I can get the right count of unique access of the next day and avoid OOM. The spark document indicates using dropDuplicates with watermark, for example:

.withWatermark("timestamp", "1 day")
.dropDuplicates("uuid", "timestamp")

but the watermark column must be specified in dropDuplicates. In such case the uuid and timestamp will be used as a combined key to deduplicate elements with the same uuid and timestamp, which is not what I expected.

So is there a perfect solution?

like image 727
Kevin Avatar asked Aug 03 '17 03:08


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1 Answers

After a few days effort I finally find out the way myself.

While studying the source code of watermark and dropDuplicates, I discovered that besides an eventTime column, watermark also supports window column, so we can use the following code:

    window($"timestamp", "1 day"),
.withWatermark("window", "1 day")
.dropDuplicates("uuid", "window")

Since all events in the same day have the same window, this will produce the same results as using only uuid to deduplicate. Hopes can help someone.

like image 70
Kevin Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09
