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How to convert column to vector type?

I have an RDD in Spark where the objects are based on a case class:

ExampleCaseClass(user: User, stuff: Stuff)

I want to use Spark's ML pipeline, so I convert this to a Spark data frame. As part of the pipeline, I want to transform one of the columns into a column whose entries are vectors. Since I want the length of that vector to vary with the model, it should be built into the pipeline as part of the feature transformation.

So I attempted to define a Transformer as follows:

class MyTransformer extends Transformer {

  val uid = ""
  val num: IntParam = new IntParam(this, "", "")

  def setNum(value: Int): this.type = set(num, value)
  setDefault(num -> 50)

  def transform(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {

  def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
    val inputFields = schema.fields
    StructType(inputFields :+ StructField("colName", ???, true))

  def copy (extra: ParamMap): Transformer = defaultCopy(extra)


How do I specify the DataType of the resulting field (i.e. fill in the ???)? It will be a Vector of some simple class (Boolean, Int, Double, etc). It seems VectorUDT might have worked, but that's private to Spark. Since any RDD can be converted to a DataFrame, any case class can be converted to a custom DataType. However I can't figure out how to manually do this conversion, otherwise I could apply it to some simple case class wrapping the vector.

Furthermore, if I specify a vector type for the column, will VectorAssembler correctly process the vector into separate features when I go to fit the model?

Still new to Spark and especially to the ML Pipeline, so appreciate any advice.

like image 298
mkreisel Avatar asked Mar 18 '16 01:03


People also ask

How do you make a column a vector?

Column vectors are created using square brackets [ ], with semicolons or newlines to separate elements. A row vector may be converted into a column vector (and vice versa) using the transpose operator '.

How do I turn a column into a vector from a data frame?

To create a vector of data frame values by rows we can use c function after transposing the data frame with t. For example, if we have a data frame df that contains many columns then the df values can be transformed into a vector by using c(t(df)), this will print the values of the data frame row by row.

2 Answers

import org.apache.spark.ml.linalg.SQLDataTypes.VectorType  
def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
  val inputFields = schema.fields
  StructType(inputFields :+ StructField("colName", VectorType, true))

In spark 2.1 VectorType makes VectorUDT publicly available:

package org.apache.spark.ml.linalg

import org.apache.spark.annotation.{DeveloperApi, Since}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType

 * :: DeveloperApi ::
 * SQL data types for vectors and matrices.
object SQLDataTypes {

  /** Data type for [[Vector]]. */
  val VectorType: DataType = new VectorUDT

  /** Data type for [[Matrix]]. */
  val MatrixType: DataType = new MatrixUDT
like image 77
Thomas Luechtefeld Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09

Thomas Luechtefeld

import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector, Vectors}

case class MyVector(vector: Vector)
val vectorDF = Seq(

 |-- vector: vector (nullable = true)

  "type" : "udt",
  "class" : "org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.VectorUDT",
  "pyClass" : "pyspark.mllib.linalg.VectorUDT",
  "sqlType" : {
    "type" : "struct",
    "fields" : [ {
      "name" : "type",
      "type" : "byte",
      "nullable" : false,
      "metadata" : { }
    }, {
      "name" : "size",
      "type" : "integer",
      "nullable" : true,
      "metadata" : { }
    }, {
      "name" : "indices",
      "type" : {
        "type" : "array",
        "elementType" : "integer",
        "containsNull" : false
      "nullable" : true,
      "metadata" : { }
    }, {
      "name" : "values",
      "type" : {
        "type" : "array",
        "elementType" : "double",
        "containsNull" : false
      "nullable" : true,
      "metadata" : { }
    } ]
like image 41
David Griffin Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 22:09

David Griffin