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How to executing a python script with innoSetup

I try to run a python script during a setup generate by InnoSetup , but nothing works. Neither the Run section or Exec in code section Result code differ depending the way I call it.

Of course I install Python during the setup if it's not already present. Here is the test code Inno

Compression = zip/1
SetupLogging = yes
PrivilegesRequired = admin

Source: "D:\Dev\deploy_python\python-3.3.2.msi"; DestDir: "{app}\deploy"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "D:\Dev\deploy_python\test.py"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion 

Filename: "msiexec"; Parameters: "/i ""{app}\deploy\python-3.3.2.msi"" /qb! ALLUSER=1 ADDLOCAL=ALL"; WorkingDir: "{app}\deploy"; Flags: 32bit; Check: python_is_installed
Filename: "cmd.exe"; Parameters: "/c{code:GetPythonPath}\python.exe {app}\test.py"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Flags: waituntilterminated

function python_is_installed() : Boolean;
  key : string;
  //check registry 
   key := 'software\Python\PythonCore\3.3\InstallPath'
   Result := not RegValueExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,Key,'');   

function GetPythonPath(Param : String) : String;
var dir, key : String;
  dir := '';
  key := 'software\Python\PythonCore\3.3\InstallPath'
  Result := dir

procedure DeinitializeSetup();
  ResultCode: integer;
  if Exec('cmd.exe', ExpandConstant('/c' +GetPythonPath('')+ '\python.exe {app}\test.py'), '', SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode) then

I Try to use directly python.exe in Run section and in code:Exec but no way.

And of course if I type test.py in windows command line it works , and the cmd.exe /cC:\python33\python.exe C:\app\test.py also

Somebody already succes using python script with innosetup ?

The purpose of this is not to distribute py file of an app but using python script during the installation process to make some stuff.

Now I m' using CXfreeeze to make an exe of the scripts but I prefer to keep only the python script and not exe (for automatisation purpose)

for information python test script is just :

import ctypes
def msgbox(message,title):
    ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW(0, message, title, 0)
def debug() : 
    msgbox('test','test test')


As @Tlama suggest I have tried to use the command in [Run] using OriginalUser instead of the Admin mode setted by inno (I m using the PrivilegesRequired = admin ) but it doesn't Work.

And as I install python for all users with the command line ALLUSERS=1 existing users (or admin) can run python scripts.

I also try to modify the WorkingDir in [Run] and in CODE:Exec but all tentatives give me the same ResultCode "2"

Filename: "cmd.exe"; Parameters: "/c{code:GetPythonPath}\python.exe {app}\test.py"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Flags: waituntilterminated
Filename: "cmd.exe"; Parameters: "/c{code:GetPythonPath}\python.exe {app}\test.py"; WorkingDir: "{code:GetPythonPath}"; Flags: waituntilterminated
Filename: "python.exe"; Parameters: "{app}\test.py"; WorkingDir: "{code:GetPythonPath}"; Flags: waituntilterminated
Filename: "python.exe"; Parameters: "{app}\test.py"; WorkingDir: "{app}"; Flags: waituntilterminated

in CODE :

  Log('Start pypy 1');    
  Exec('cmd.exe', ExpandConstant('/c' +GetPythonPath('')+ '\python.exe {app}\test.py'), GetPythonPath(''), SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode);
  Log('Start pypy 2');    
  Exec(GetPythonPath('')+ '\python.exe', ExpandConstant('{app}\test.py'), GetPythonPath(''), SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode);
  Log('Start pypy 3');    
  Exec('cmd.exe', ExpandConstant('/c' +GetPythonPath('')+ '\python.exe {app}\test.py'),ExpandConstant('{app}'), SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode);  
like image 568
cnaimi Avatar asked Sep 26 '13 14:09


1 Answers

I suspect that the issue is that python did not exist on the path when the installer started and that path and other environment variables such as PYTHONPATH are not set in the scope that the program is running in.

Two distinct possibilities exist:

  1. Call python with it's absolute path that it was installed to, the absolute path of the script to execute and in your script explicitly set things like PYTHONPATH if necessary - you can test for this by using the -E flag from the command line when testing your script.
  2. Start a new shell, which will get the new path, etc., in it's environment rather than running in the current one that the current process is running in - to do this simply change your command from python somescript.py to, (for windows), start python somescript.py should do the job nicely.
like image 141
Steve Barnes Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 16:09

Steve Barnes