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How to execute a SQL String that references a table variable?




I have a table variable in SQL Server 2008

    DECLARE @specsAndModel TABLE
        specName VARCHAR(50)
        ,specVal VARCHAR(50)
    INSERT INTO @specsAndModel
    VALUES('[modelNumber]', 'F00-B4R')

Then, I later build a string called @query, which I ultimately try to pass into EXECUTE, as in the following example:

    SET @query = 'SELECT specName, specVal FROM @specsAndModel'

However, SQL Server gives me the error message: Must declare the table variable "@specsAndModel".

After searching around, I think this might be related to the execution context, but I haven't been able to resolve the problem.

Is it even possible for me to use a table variable in a call to the execute function?

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tlehman Avatar asked Aug 21 '12 16:08


People also ask

How do you reference a variable in SQL?

The syntax for assigning a value to a SQL variable within a SELECT query is @ var_name := value , where var_name is the variable name and value is a value that you're retrieving. The variable may be used in subsequent queries wherever an expression is allowed, such as in a WHERE clause or in an INSERT statement.

How do you assign a value from a table to a variable in SQL?

When a variable is first declared, its value is set to NULL. To assign a value to a variable, use the SET statement. This is the preferred method of assigning a value to a variable. A variable can also have a value assigned by being referenced in the select list of a SELECT statement.

2 Answers

The table you are creating is a table variable which is not available outside of its initial scope. There are a few ways to fix this:

Create a Global Temp Table (Disclaimer: this can cause problems if more that one user attempts to run this at the same time.):

create table  ##specsAndModel 
    specName VARCHAR(50)
    ,specVal VARCHAR(50)
INSERT INTO ##specsAndModel
VALUES('[modelNumber]', 'F00-B4R')

SET @query = 'SELECT specName, specVal FROM ##specsAndModel'

Create a Local Temp Table instead of global:

create table  #specsAndModel 
    specName VARCHAR(50)
    ,specVal VARCHAR(50)
INSERT INTO #specsAndModel
VALUES('[modelNumber]', 'F00-B4R')

SET @query = 'SELECT specName, specVal FROM #specsAndModel'

Execute the create table inside of your dynamic SQL (ugly):

SET @query = 'DECLARE @specsAndModel TABLE
    specName VARCHAR(50)
    ,specVal VARCHAR(50)
INSERT INTO @specsAndModel
VALUES(''[modelNumber]'', ''F00-B4R'')
SELECT specName, specVal FROM @specsAndModel'

Instead of using a temp table, create an actual table and then drop it when done (Disclaimer: this can cause problems if more that one user attempts to run this at the same time.):

create TABLE specsAndModel 
    specName VARCHAR(50)
    ,specVal VARCHAR(50)
INSERT INTO specsAndModel
VALUES('[modelNumber]', 'F00-B4R')

SET @query = 'SELECT specName, specVal FROM specsAndModel'

drop table specsAndModel

Here is an link to a discussion about temp tables and table variables:

Should I use a #temp table or a @table variable?

Edit: You can pass in a table variable using sp_executesql:

create type specsAndModel as table (
    specName VARCHAR(50)
    ,specVal VARCHAR(50)
declare @t specsAndModel
insert @t VALUES('[modelNumber]', 'F00-B4R')

exec sp_executesql N'select specName, specVal from @var', N'@var specsAndModel readonly', @t

Using either the global ##temp tables and a permanent table run risks in that if more than one users attempts to run the process, there could be conflicts.

You are safer using either a local #temp table or passing the table variable using sp_executesql.

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Taryn Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10


You also have to create your table variable inside the in the string.

SET @query = 'DECLARE @specsAndModel TABLE  ( specName VARCHAR(50) ,specVal VARCHAR(50))'
SET @Query = @Query + ' INSERT INTO  @specsAndModel VALUES(''modelNumber'',''abcd''); SELECT specName, specVal FROM @specsAndModel'
EXEC (@query)
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Waqar Janjua Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10

Waqar Janjua