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iSeries DB2 - Is there any way to select the identity value from an insert statement?

I know we're rare, us poor folk that are using iSeries for DB2/AS400, but I'm hoping someone can answer this simple question. Is there any way to return the identity value from an insert statement without using two lines of SQL? I'm being forced to use inline SQL in C# to perform an insert, and then I need to use the identity generated for the insert for something later on. Simply put, I need the iSeries DB2 equivalent of Oracle's "RETURNING." I.e.,

INSERT INTO AwesomeTable (column1, column2, etc.)
    VALUES (value1, value2, etc.)
    RETURNING something;

Anyone? Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Unless someone knows of a way I can execute two lines of SQL in one IBM.Data.DB2.iSeries.iDB2Command (not a stored proc), I would like to do this all in one line of SQL

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AJ. Avatar asked Jul 10 '09 13:07


People also ask

How do you get identity after insert?

The @@Identity function will return the last identity value inserted in the current session, in any table and in any scope. The Scope_Identity() function will return the last identity value inserted in the current scope (and session), in any table.

What is an identity column in insert statement?

An identity column contains a unique numeric value for each row in the table. Whether you can insert data into an identity column and how that data gets inserted depends on how the column is defined.

Can we insert value in identity column?

By default, it's not possible to manually insert a value directly into an identity column value, but identity values can be manually entered if you turn on a session option.

How do you retrieve the last identity value that is generated?

We use the IDENT_CURRENT function to return the last IDENTITY value generated for a specified table under any connection. It does not consider the scope of the SQL query that generates identity value. We need to specify the table for which we want to check the identity value.

2 Answers

I am not sure of iSeries, but the following worked on db2v8.1:

Consider 'ID' is the name of your identity column. The following stmt will return the newly generated id (the same one that gets inserted by the insert stmt):

    INSERT INTO AwesomeTable (column1, column2, etc.)
            VALUES (value1, value2, etc.)    

Some explanation I found on the publib site: (I used it for reference to test my query above)

     /* The following SELECT statement references an INSERT statement in its
           FROM clause.  It inserts an employee record from host variables into
           table company_b.  The current employee ID from the cursor is selected
           into the host variable new_id.  The keywords FROM FINAL TABLE
           determine that the value in new_id is the value of ID after the
           INSERT statement is complete.

           Note that the ID column in table company_b is generated and without
           the SELECT statement an additional query would have to be made in
           order to retreive the employee's ID number.
        EXEC SQL SELECT ID INTO :new_id
                 FROM FINAL TABLE(INSERT INTO company_b
                 VALUES(default, :name, :department, :job, :years, :salary, 
                        :benefits, :id));

Hope this helps :)

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SO User Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

SO User

You need to use the IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL scalar function. From the IBM documentation:

IDENTITY_VAL_LOCAL is a non-deterministic function that returns the most recently assigned value for an identity column.


     NAME CHAR(30),

    VALUES('Rupert', 989.99, 50)

like image 31
Vinay Sajip Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Vinay Sajip