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How to exclude a Javascript file from Javascript Validation in Eclipse

I have the javascript validation working good for my own code. I want to keep the validation. But when it comes to open source library, like jquery for example, the validation creates warnings.

I don't want warnings over a downloaded library. But I want to keep warnings for my code.

I know you can exclude files from validation in the "Preferences > Validation" window, but the javascript validation is not there ! I've looked each validator, the javascript validator is not there.

So how can I exclude specific files from the validation ?

Here is the list of validators I have : Screenshot

Thanks !

PS : I use Eclipse PDT.!

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Matthieu Napoli Avatar asked Feb 01 '11 21:02

Matthieu Napoli

People also ask

How can you turn off Javascript validation?

Go to Windows->Preferences->Validation. There would be a list of validators with checkbox options for Manual & Build, go and individually disable the javascript validator there.

2 Answers

well, probably I've managed to do what you need ;) It is a bit tricky. So my steps:

  1. downloaded Eclipse PDT (to be sure that it works for you, because I use Eclipse for Java EE)
  2. created project TestJS (it was JavaScript project)
  3. created two files, test.js and htmlparser.js (last one copied from John Resig's site)
  4. typed "broken" script in both of them, so Eclipse told me that there were errors in both of them
  5. went to Project Properties > JavaScript > Include Path > Source, there is "Excluded" to highlight and press "Edit" button, here you are able to add what you want to exclude (file, folder, pattern).
  6. I excluded "test.js" file, pressed apply...
  7. ...and got a happy ending: now Eclipse point me out that there is error in htmlparser.js, but not in test.js ;)

ScreenShot: enter image description here

Really hope that it helps!

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Maxym Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10


Following from Maxym's excellent answer: since I usually keep all my JavaScript libraries in one place and the Eclipse validator tends to find unusual errors (perhaps entirely false positives), I used the Add Multiple option and selected the folders that contained those libraries. No need to update each time you add a file!

enter image description here

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Aram Kocharyan Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10

Aram Kocharyan