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Does this way of defining JS objects have any purpose?

I'm maintaining some legacy code and I've noticed that the following pattern for defining objects is used:

var MyObject = {};  (function (root) {      root.myFunction = function (foo) {         //do something     };  })(MyObject); 

Is there any purpose to this? Is it equivalent to just doing the following?

var MyObject = {      myFunction : function (foo) {         //do something     };  }; 

I'm not about to embark in a holy quest to refactor the whole codebase to my likings, but I'd really like to understand the reason behind that roundabout way of defining objects.


like image 355
Sebastián Vansteenkiste Avatar asked Nov 06 '14 20:11

Sebastián Vansteenkiste

People also ask

What is the purpose of objects in JavaScript?

Objects in programming can be a combination of variables, functions, and data structures. This means that objects can store values, you can use objects to manipulate values and combine them into more complex objects, like arrays and still get all the benefits. JavaScript is no different.

What is the correct way of defining objects in JavaScript?

Create a single object, using an object literal. Create a single object, with the keyword new . Define an object constructor, and then create objects of the constructed type. Create an object using Object.create() .

Is JavaScript all about objects?

Nearly everything in JavaScript is an object other than six things that are not objects which are — null , undefined , strings, numbers, boolean, and symbols. These are called primitive values or primitive types.

1 Answers

It's called the module pattern http://toddmotto.com/mastering-the-module-pattern/

The main reason is for you to create truly private methods and variables. In your case, it's not meaningful because it's not hiding any implementation details.

Here's an example where it makes sense to use the module pattern.

var MyNameSpace = {};  (function(ns){     // The value variable is hidden from the outside world     var value = 0;      // So is this function     function adder(num) {        return num + 1;     }      ns.getNext = function () {        return value = adder(value);     } })(MyNameSpace);  var id = MyNameSpace.getNext(); // 1 var otherId = MyNameSpace.getNext(); // 2 var otherId = MyNameSpace.getNext(); // 3 

Whereas if you just used a straight object, adder and value would become public

var MyNameSpace = {     value: 0,     adder: function(num) {        return num + 1;     },     getNext: function() {        return this.value = this.adder(this.value);     } } 

And you could break it by doing stuff like

MyNameSpace.getNext(); // 1 MyNameSpace.value = 0; MyNameSpace.getNext(); // 1 again delete MyNameSpace.adder; MyNameSpace.getNext(); // error undefined is not a function 

But with the module version

MyNameSpace.getNext(); // 1  // Is not affecting the internal value, it's creating a new property MyNameSpace.value = 0; MyNameSpace.getNext(); // 2, yessss // Is not deleting anything delete MyNameSpace.adder; MyNameSpace.getNext(); // no problemo, outputs 3 
like image 181
Juan Mendes Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 02:10

Juan Mendes