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How to exclude a git branch from being built in travis?

I have a github project that I'm building with travis. https://travis-ci.org/emmby/greenDAO/branches

I want travis to build most of the branches in that project, but there's one in particular that I wish to exclude.

So I added the following to .travis.yml on my master branch:

    - mvn-repo

However, that didn't disable building of the branch. So reading up on the docs, I came across this note:

Please note that currently (for historical reasons), .travis.yml needs to be present on all active branches of your project.

So, I went ahead and created a .travis.yml file in the mvn-repo branch which contains the same branches section. However, travis still insists on building and failing my mvn-repo branch.

Why is travis trying to build a branch that I've marked for exclusion?

like image 651
emmby Avatar asked Dec 24 '12 19:12


People also ask

How do I remove Travis from GitHub?

You should see a My repositories label followed by a plus sign (i.e. + ). Click on that plus sign (i.e. + ). It will lead you to a page listing all your Github repositories with an on/off toggle beside each one. Just put the toggle to "off" for the repositories you don't want in Travis CI.

1 Answers

Are you still having this issue? As you describe it, it sounds like a bug, so please report this in our issue tracker, and we'll take a look for you.

like image 100
sarahhodne Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 10:10
