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How to encapsulate .NET Stateless state machine

I have a project where there is a mostly linear workflow. I'm attempting to use the .NET Stateless library to act as workflow engine/state machine. The number of examples out there is limited, but I've put together the following code:

private StateMachine<WorkflowStateType, WorkflowStateTrigger> stateMachine;
private StateMachine<WorkflowStateType, WorkflowStateTrigger>.TriggerWithParameters<Guid, DateTime> registrationTrigger;
private Patient patient;

public Patient RegisterPatient(DateTime dateOfBirth)
    stateMachine.Fire<DateTime>(registrationTrigger, dateOfBirth);
    logger.Info("State changed to: " + stateMachine.State);
    return patient;

private void configureStateMachine(WorkflowState state)
    stateMachine = new StateMachine<WorkflowState, WorkflowTrigger>(state);

    registrationTrigger = stateMachine.SetTriggerParameters<DateTime>(WorkflowTrigger.Register);

        .Permit(WorkflowTrigger.Register, WorkflowStateType.Registered);

        .Permit(WorkflowTrigger.ScheduleSampling, WorkflowState.SamplingScheduled)
        .OnEntryFrom(registrationTrigger, (dateOfBirth) => registerPatient(dateOfBirth));

private void registerPatient(DateTime dateOfBirth)
    //Registration code

As you can see, I'm using the Stateless Fire() overload that allows me to pass in a trigger. This is so I can have the state machine process business logic, in this case, code to register a new patient.

This all works, but now I'd like to move all the state machine code into another class to encapsulate it and I'm having trouble doing this. The challenges I've had in doing this are:

  • instantiating a StateMachine object requires you to specify state and State is a readonly property that can only be set at instantiation.
  • my registrationTrigger has to be instantiated during state machine configuration and also has to be available by the calling class.

How can I overcome these items and encapsulate the state machine code?

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im1dermike Avatar asked Mar 21 '17 13:03


People also ask

Is a state machine stateless?

The reason that most open-source state machines are stateful is that they maintain two states: initial state and current state. To make a state machine stateless, we can simply remove these variables to leave the instance stateless.

What is stateless C#?

"Stateless" is a simple library for creating state machines in C# code. It's recently been updated to support . NET Core 1.0.

1 Answers

This is how I achieved it in my project.

Separated workflow logic to separate class. I had couple of workflows based on one of the flags present in the request object; below is one of the workflow classes:

public class NationalWorkflow : BaseWorkflow
    public NationalWorkflow(SwiftRequest request) : this(request, Objects.RBDb)
    { }

    public NationalWorkflow(SwiftRequest request, RBDbContext dbContext)
        this.request = request;
        this.dbContext = dbContext;

    protected override void ConfigureWorkflow()
        workflow = new StateMachine<SwiftRequestStatus, SwiftRequestTriggers>(
           () => request.SwiftRequestStatus, state => request.SwiftRequestStatus = state);


            .Permit(SwiftRequestTriggers.ProcessRequest, SwiftRequestStatus.InProgress);

            .Permit(SwiftRequestTriggers.AutoApprove, SwiftRequestStatus.Approved)
            .Permit(SwiftRequestTriggers.AdvancedServicesReview, SwiftRequestStatus.PendingAdvancedServices);


Which is triggered from the controller/any other layer:

private static void UpdateRequest(SwiftRequestDTO dtoRequest)
            var workflow = WorkflowFactory.Get(request);

As mentioned above, I had different workflow rules based on conditions in the request object and hence used a factory pattern WorkflowFactory.Get(request); you may create an instance of your workflow/inject it as desired

And inside the workflow class (BaseWorkflow class in my case), I have exposed the actions:

    public void UpdateRequest()
        using (var trans = this.dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
            this.actionComments = "Updating the request";


  protected void TryFire(SwiftRequestTriggers trigger)
        if (!workflow.CanFire(trigger))
            throw new Exception("Cannot fire " + trigger.ToString() + " from state- " + workflow.State);
like image 81
Developer Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 09:10
