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How to enable Flash debugger?

Haven't been able to find the solution to this anywhere.

I installed the Flash debugger projector from http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html but the debugger still does not run when I debug a SWF (with debugging enabled) in Flash Pro CS5.

Anyone have an idea of what's going on?

Thanks for any help.


like image 540
Heckflosse_230 Avatar asked Jan 15 '11 05:01


People also ask

Is there a way to use flash in 2022?

The key to getting Flash Player to work in-browser in 2022 and beyond is simply to pair an old (non-updating) version of Flash Player, with either an older version of one of the major browsers or a hip, indie browser which doesn't have a financial interest in quashing Flash.

1 Answers

I don't think you can debug SWF, since they do not contain ActionScript code. You can, however get traces from the SWF into a file if you enable TraceOutputFileEnable=1 in the .cfg file. More information that may help here: http://www.actionscript.org/resources/articles/207/1/Trace-and-debug-ActionScript-from-your-browser/Page1.html and here http://fatlinesofcode.philipandrews.org/2009/03/28/actionscript-debugging-within-the-browser/

Also check out this FireFox plugin: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/flashtracer/

Another option is to Begin Remote Debug Session in Flash IDE. The traces will appear in the Output window of the IDE, when the SWF is open in the browser.

If you have access to the code, you can try De MonsterDebugger (it will require implementation of its classes inside the SWF though) http://demonsterdebugger.com/

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soulseekah Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 00:11
