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How to enable C++0x features in Visual studio? [Initializer Lists support]

I had some code that I developed on Ubuntu and now I am trying to compile it on Windows 7 (MS VS 2010).

vector<float> tmp; .... tmp = {3.0,4.5,9.4}; 

This gives me syntax error

error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '{' 

Is this because Visual studio doesn't support this feature ? or should I be enabling some switch in the properties. I have the "Platform Toolset" property set to "v100."

Thank you.

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Chenna V Avatar asked Feb 25 '11 19:02

Chenna V

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1 Answers

The C++0x features are enabled by default on the Visual Studio 2010 C++ compiler. It takes no extra switches for example to use lambdas, auto, etc ... If you're getting that error it's because in all likelyhood it's not supported.


Based on this MSDN article, initializer lists are not one of the 6 supported features in 2010

  • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ee336130.aspx

the Visual C++ compiler in Visual Studio 2010 enables six C++0x core language features: lambda expressions, the auto keyword, rvalue references, static_assert, nullptr and decltype

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JaredPar Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 17:10
