I got a break point on the first line of Application_Start()
, but Visual Studio wont break on it.
Visual Studio have attached itself to the IIS working process:
Auto-attach to process '[2092] w3wp.exe' on machine 'SRD00510' succeeded.
My breakpoint in the home controller do work.
I've tried:
aspnet_regiis -i
)Application_Start. The Application_Start event is fired the first time when an application starts. Session_Start. The Session_Start event is fired the first time when a user's session is started. This typically contains for session initialization logic code.
How to add global. asax file: Select Website >>Add New Item (or Project >> Add New Item if you're using the Visual Studio web project model) and choose the Global Application Class template. After you have added the global.
asax file. Can I delete it? YES BUT you shouldn't.
Reading your question, I assume you are using IIS for debugging, not Visual Studio Development Server.
In this case, debugging application start is tricky, because it is only called once when the application pool is started or recycled. When Visual Studio attaches to the process, Application_Start has already been running.
The trick is to make the application pool recycle without killing the process you are attached to.
Do the following:
That works for me (IIS 7.5, VS2015).
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