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How to emulate Nexus 4?

Is it possible to create an AVD to emulate the Nexus 4?

I am using Eclipse and I'm pretty sure I have updated all of the SDK tools etc, along with the 4.2 SDK/system Image etc.

However, when I open the AVD manager to add a new AVD, there no longer seems to be the ability to enter a custom resolution/density etc. There is a droplist containing several devices, but no Nexus 4, and no generic version with a resolution of 768x1200.

Am I just missing something obvious?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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Jasongiss Avatar asked Dec 20 '22 12:12


1 Answers

After Update your ADT to version 21.

In Older Version each time you have to set Add Custom Screen if you want custom Device Configurations as (if you want Nexus 4).

In ADT21 version you can get this thing done by

open AVD Manager, u can define your custom screen in "Device Definition"

Alternative (Much Easier approach)

in Newest Version you Don't Need to Set Custom Device Configurations from the above Suggestion as much easier way is available for it. you >Just Have to Make Emulator With your Device Configurations and after you will see those Configurations with Emulator Name Inside Graphical Layout of XML

like after Created my Emulator of Nexus7 Emulator with Android 4.2 with Name as "Nexus7_Android_4.2" i will get this Device Configuration in Graphical Layout of xml automatically.

Below is the Screen Shot of it.

enter image description here

Hope it will Help you.

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Bhavesh Patadiya Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 23:01

Bhavesh Patadiya