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How to embed a command into bash which act as built-in? [closed]




I have created a command line utility using C programming language. Now I want to embed that command into bash. It should act as bash built-in command 'cd'. How can I do that??

In the bash source I saw there is a directory called builtins. I looked that directory and found there is *.def files and there is a file called cd.def.

I think this is the definition of bash built-in cd. Now my question is how to create my own definition???

like image 526
Rishitha Minol Avatar asked Nov 21 '22 05:11

Rishitha Minol

1 Answers

If you wish to make your binary a built-in in bash

Method 1 : bash function

You can emulate the behavior by creating a bash function in, say ~/.bashrc, file:

function mycommand 
/path/to/your/binary #plus arguments if any

export -f mycommand

and the use mycommand just like you use cd.

Do have a look at this [ tldp article ] on how this differ from an actual built-in.

Method 2 : using enable

I thought I would demonstrate this by creating a new builtin for finding factorial. Below is the code I've written :

/* Programme to compute the factorial of numbers up to 60 */

#include <bash/config.h>

#if defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H)
  #include <unistd.h>

#include <bash/shell.h>    // for shell internals
#include <bash/builtins.h> // for struct builtin

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for atoi

/* For unsigned long long numbers, my system could handle numbers
 * upto 65 when it comes to factorial, but I'm restricting the value
 * to 60 for the sake of the example so naming my builtin 'factorial60' 
 * the wrapper is factorial_wrapper and the actual task of computing the  
 * factorial is done by the function 'factorial'which resides inside the 
 * wrapper.

unsigned long long factorial(unsigned long long x, unsigned long long amt)
  if (x == 0)
    return amt;
  return factorial(x-1, amt);

int factorial_wrapper(WORD_LIST* list) //Wrapper function
  char* ptr=NULL;
  int num;
  if (list == 0) {
    return (EX_USAGE);

    /* We're expecting one & only one argument here.
     * I haven't checked for multiple arguments for the sake of brevity

    /* atoi is not the best here because it returns zero for invalid conversions
     * I used it just for the sake of this example.

    if (num>60){
    return (EX_USAGE);

  return (EXECUTION_SUCCESS);     // returning 0

char *factorial60_doc[] = {
  "Usage : factorial60 number",
  "Description :",
  "Gives the factorial of numbers upto 60",
  (char *)NULL
//  Make sure the above documentation is sensible
//   You need to supply factorial60_doc to the structure below.

struct builtin factorial60_struct = {
  "factorial60", // builtin name
  factorial_wrapper, // wrapper function for implementing the builtin
  BUILTIN_ENABLED, // initial flags for builtin  - See Reference 1
  factorial60_doc, // array of long documentation strings.
  "Usage : factorial60 'number_upto_60'", // usage synopsis; becomes short_doc
  NULL // reserved for internal use, this a char*

Compile the code like below :

gcc -shared -fpic -o factorial.so factorial.c

Copy the shared object factorial.so to to a local lib location say /usr/local/lib/mylib/

Enable(persistent) the new builtin by adding the below in ~/.bashrc (or /etc/bash.bashrc if you wish the new builtin to be used by other users)

enable -f /usr/local/lib/mylib/factorial.so factorial60  # You need to give the full path

And voila! you have the new builtin ready for use in a new shell session.

$ factorial60 24
$ factorial60
factorial60: usage: Usage : factorial60 'number_upto_60'
$ type -a factorial60
factorial60 is a shell builtin
$ factorial60 61
factorial60: usage: Usage : factorial60 'number_upto_60'

(thanks @chepner for reminding this)

Method 3 : recompile bash

Just recompile bash(the dirty way!) with added functionality - [ source code here ].


  1. enable manpage [ here ].
  2. WORD_LIST : Built-in functions are always given a pointer to a list of type WORD_LIST. If the built-in doesn't actually take any options, you must call no_options(list) and check its return value before any further processing. If the return value is non-zero, your function should immediately return with the value EX_USAGE. Check [ this ].
  3. You need to install bash-builtins library (I'm on Ubuntu 12.04,The actual package name may differ by distro) to compile new builtins.
  4. Check how builtin_usage is [ defined ].
  5. To use the enable command, your system should support dynamic loading.
  6. In enable the name of the builtin (here factorial60) should match the name given in the structure (notice factorial60_struct) and _struct should be appended to the builtin name in the structure.

like image 165
sjsam Avatar answered Feb 17 '23 16:02
