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How to elegantly check if a dictionary has a given structure?

I have a dictionary with the following structure:

D = {
   'rows': 11,
   'cols': 13,
   (i, j): {
              'meta': 'random string',
              'walls': {
                  'E': True,
                  'O': False,
                  'N': True,
                  'S': True
# i ranging in {0 .. D['rows']-1}
# j ranging in {0 .. D['cols']-1}

I want to write a function that takes an arbitrary object as argument and checks if it has that structure. This is what I wrote:

def well_formed(L):
    if type(L) != dict:
        return False
    if 'rows' not in L:
        return False
    if 'cols' not in L:
        return False

    nr, nc = L['rows'], L['cols']

    # I should also check the int-ness of nr and nc ...

    if len(L) != nr*nc + 2:
        return False

    for i in range(nr):
        for j in range(nc):
            if not ((i, j) in L
                and 'meta' in L[i, j]
                and  'walls' in L[i, j]
                and type(L[i, j]['meta']) == str
                and type(L[i, j]['walls'])  == dict
                and     'E' in L[i, j]['walls']
                and     'N' in L[i, j]['walls']
                and     'O' in L[i, j]['walls']
                and     'S' in L[i, j]['walls']
                and type(L[i, j]['walls']['E']) == bool
                and type(L[i, j]['walls']['N']) == bool
                and type(L[i, j]['walls']['O']) == bool
                and type(L[i, j]['walls']['S']) == bool):
                return False

    return True

Although it works, I don't like it at all. Is there a Pythonic way to do it?

I'm allowed to use just the standard library.

like image 454
Georgian Sarghi Avatar asked May 06 '17 13:05

Georgian Sarghi

People also ask

How do we check if a dictionary has a given key?

Check If Key Exists Using has_key() The has_key() method is a built-in method in Python that returns true if the dict contains the given key, and returns false if it isn't.

How do you check if a dictionary contains an item?

Check if a value exists in a dictionary: in operator, values() To check if a value exists in a dictionary, i.e., if a dictionary has/contains a value, use the in operator and the values() method. Use not in to check if a value does not exist in a dictionary.

What is a dictionary structure?

A dictionary is defined as a general-purpose data structure for storing a group of objects. A dictionary is associated with a set of keys and each key has a single associated value. When presented with a key, the dictionary will simply return the associated value.

4 Answers

Firstly, I think the more 'Pythonic' thing might be to ask forgiveness rather than permission - to check when you needed a property whether the data structure had that property.

But on the other hand, that doesn't help if you've been asked to create something to check it's well-formed. :)

So if you need to check, you can use something like the schema library to define what your data structure should look like, and then check other data structures against that schema.

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bouteillebleu Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 10:10


In Python, the exact identity of the types involved is less important than how the values behave. For a defined use of such an object, would the object suffice? This means L doesn't have to be a dict, it just has support __getitem__; L[(i,j)]['meta'] doesn't have to be a str, it just has to support conversion to a string via str(L[(i,j)]['meta']); etc.

Given that relaxation, I would simply try to catch any errors raised by attempting such actions, and return False if any occur. For example,

def well_formed(L):
        nr = L['rows']
        nc = L['cols']
    except KeyError:
        return False

        for i in range(nr):
            for j in range(nc):
                walls = L[(i,j)]['walls']
                for direction in walls:
                    # Necessary?
                    if direction not in "ENOS":
                        return False
                    if walls[direction] not in (True, False):
                        return False
    except KeyError:
        return False

    return True

Given that any object has a boolean value, it seemed pointless to attempt bool(walls[direction]); rather, if having exactly True or False as a value isn't a hard requirement, I would just any test of the value altogether. Likewise, additional walls may or may not be an issue, and don't have to be explicitly tested for.

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chepner Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 11:10


You can compose validation like this (idea from Scala extractors). The advantage is that the validator structure is similar to the structure to test.

A disadvantage is that the many function calls may make it much slower.

class Mapping:
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.key_values = [KeyValue(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]

    def validate(self, to_validate):
        if not isinstance(to_validate, dict):
            return False

        for validator in self.key_values:
            if not validator.validate(to_validate):
                return False
        return True

class KeyValue:
    def __init__(self, key, value):
        self.key = key
        self.value = value

    def validate(self, to_validate):
        return self.key in to_validate and self.value.validate(to_validate[self.key])

class Boolean:
    def validate(self, to_validate):
        return isinstance(to_validate, bool)

class Integer:
    def validate(self, to_validate):
        return isinstance(to_validate, int)

class String:
    def validate(self, to_validate):
        return isinstance(to_validate, str)

class CustomValidator:
    def validate(self, to_validate):
        if not Mapping(rows=Integer(), cols=Integer()).validate(to_validate):
            return False
        element_validator = Mapping(meta=String(), walls=Mapping(**{k: Boolean() for k in "EONS"}))
        for i in range(to_validate['rows']):
            for j in range(to_validate['cols']):
                if not KeyValue((i, j), element_validator).validate(to_validate):
                    return False
        return True

d = {
    'rows': 11,
    'cols': 13,
d.update({(i, j): {
    'meta': 'random string',
    'walls': {
        'E': True,
        'O': False,
        'N': True,
        'S': True
} for i in range(11) for j in range(13)})

assert CustomValidator().validate(d)

Same thing with overriding isinstance(tested with Python 3.5)

class IsInstanceCustomMeta(type):
    def __instancecheck__(self, instance):
        return self.validate(instance)

def create_custom_isinstance_class(f):
    class IsInstanceCustomClass(metaclass=IsInstanceCustomMeta):
        validate = f
    return IsInstanceCustomClass

def Mapping(**kwargs):
    key_values = [KeyValue(k, v) for k, v in kwargs.items()]

    def validate(to_validate):
        if not isinstance(to_validate, dict):
            return False

        for validator in key_values:
            if not isinstance(to_validate, validator):
                return False
        return True

    return create_custom_isinstance_class(validate)

def KeyValue(key, value):
    return create_custom_isinstance_class(lambda to_validate: key in to_validate and isinstance(to_validate[key], value))

def my_format_validation(to_validate):
    if not isinstance(to_validate, Mapping(rows=int, cols=int)):
        return False
    element_validator = Mapping(meta=str, walls=Mapping(**{k: bool for k in "EONS"}))
    for i in range(to_validate['rows']):
        for j in range(to_validate['cols']):
            if not isinstance(to_validate, KeyValue((i, j), element_validator)):
                return False
    return True

MyFormat = create_custom_isinstance_class(my_format_validation)

d = {
    'rows': 11,
    'cols': 13,
d.update({(i, j): {
    'meta': 'random string',
    'walls': {
        'E': True,
        'O': False,
        'N': True,
        'S': True
} for i in range(11) for j in range(13)})

assert isinstance(d, MyFormat)
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Siphor Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 11:10


If your format were simpler, I'd agree with the other answer/comments to use existing schema validation libraries, like schema and voluptuous. But, given your specific case of having to check a dictionary with tuple keys, and those tuples' values depending on the values of other members of your dict, I think you'd be better off writing your own validator than trying to coax a schema to fit your format.

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tavnab Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 10:10
