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How to dynamically allocate arrays inside a kernel?


I need to dynamically allocate some arrays inside the kernel function. How can a I do that?

My code is something like that:

__global__ func(float *grid_d,int n, int nn){  
    int i,j;  
    float x[n],y[nn];  
    //Do some really cool and heavy computations here that takes hours.  

But that will not work. If this was inside the host code I could use malloc. cudaMalloc needs a pointer on host, and other on device. Inside the kernel function I don't have the host pointer.

So, what should I do?

If takes too long (some seconds) to allocate all the arrays (I need about 4 of size n and 5 of size nn), this won't be a problem. Since the kernel will probably run for 20 minutes, at least.

like image 467
Granada Avatar asked Nov 20 '12 19:11


People also ask

Can arrays be dynamically allocated?

In addition to dynamically allocating single values, we can also dynamically allocate arrays of variables. Unlike a fixed array, where the array size must be fixed at compile time, dynamically allocating an array allows us to choose an array length at runtime.

Can you dynamically allocate arrays in expanded memory?

A dynamic array can expand its size even after it has been filled. During the creation of an array, it is allocated a predetermined amount of memory. This is not the case with a dynamic array as it grows its memory size by a certain factor when there is a need.

Can we allocate a 2 dimensional array dynamically?

A 2D array can be dynamically allocated in C using a single pointer. This means that a memory block of size row*column*dataTypeSize is allocated using malloc and pointer arithmetic can be used to access the matrix elements.

Can you pass Dynamically allocated array to function?

3.4 Passing dynamic arrays to functionsDynamic arrays can also be passed to functions in the same way as static arrays.

2 Answers

Dynamic memory allocation is only supported on compute capability 2.x and newer hardware. You can use either the C++ new keyword or malloc in the kernel, so your example could become:

__global__ func(float *grid_d,int n, int nn){  
    int i,j;  
    float *x = new float[n], *y = new float[nn];   

This allocates memory on a local memory runtime heap which has the lifetime of the context, so make sure you free the memory after the kernel finishes running if your intention is not to use the memory again. You should also note that runtime heap memory cannot be accessed directly from the host APIs, so you cannot pass a pointer allocated inside a kernel as an argument to cudaMemcpy, for example.

like image 189
talonmies Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 13:10


@talonmies answered your question on how to dynamically allocate memory within a kernel. This is intended as a supplemental answer, addressing performance of __device__ malloc() and an alternative you might want to consider.

Allocating memory dynamically in the kernel can be tempting because it allows GPU code to look more like CPU code. But it can seriously affect performance. I wrote a self contained test and have included it below. The test launches some 2.6 million threads. Each thread populates 16 integers of global memory with some values derived from the thread index, then sums up the values and returns the sum.

The test implements two approaches. The first approach uses __device__ malloc() and the second approach uses memory that is allocated before the kernel runs.

On my 2.0 device, the kernel runs in 1500ms when using __device__ malloc() and 27ms when using pre-allocated memory. In other words, the test takes 56x longer to run when memory is allocated dynamically within the kernel. The time includes the outer loop cudaMalloc() / cudaFree(), which is not part of the kernel. If the same kernel is launched many times with the same number of threads, as is often the case, the cost of the cudaMalloc() / cudaFree() is amortized over all the kernel launches. That brings the difference even higher, to around 60x.

Speculating, I think that the performance hit is in part caused by implicit serialization. The GPU must probably serialize all simultaneous calls to __device__ malloc() in order to provide separate chunks of memory to each caller.

The version that does not use __device__ malloc() allocates all the GPU memory before running the kernel. A pointer to the memory is passed to the kernel. Each thread calculates an index into the previously allocated memory instead of using a __device__ malloc().

The potential issue with allocating memory up front is that, if only some threads need to allocate memory, and it is not known which threads those are, it will be necessary to allocate memory for all the threads. If there is not enough memory for that, it might be more efficient to reduce the number of threads per kernel call then using __device__ malloc(). Other workarounds would probably end up reimplementing what __device__ malloc() is doing in the background, and would see a similar performance hit.

Test the performance of __device__ malloc():

#include "cuda_runtime.h"
#include "device_launch_parameters.h"
#include <stdio.h>

const int N_ITEMS(16);


__global__ void test_malloc(int* totals)
  int tx(blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x);

  int* s(new int[N_ITEMS]);

  for (int i(0); i < N_ITEMS; ++i) {
    s[i] = tx * i;

  int total(0);
  for (int i(0); i < N_ITEMS; ++i) {
    total += s[i];

  totals[tx] = total;

  delete[] s;

__global__ void test_malloc_2(int* items, int* totals)
  int tx(blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x);

  int* s(items + tx * N_ITEMS);

  for (int i(0); i < N_ITEMS; ++i) {
    s[i] = tx * i;

  int total(0);
  for (int i(0); i < N_ITEMS; ++i) {
    total += s[i];

  totals[tx] = total;

int main()
  cudaError_t cuda_status;


  int blocks_per_launch(1024 * 10);
  int threads_per_block(256);

  int threads_per_launch(blocks_per_launch * threads_per_block);

  int* totals_d;
  cudaMalloc((void**)&totals_d, threads_per_launch * sizeof(int));

  cudaEvent_t start, stop;

  cudaEventRecord(start, 0);

  cudaDeviceSetLimit(cudaLimitMallocHeapSize, threads_per_launch * N_ITEMS * sizeof(int));

  test_malloc<<<blocks_per_launch, threads_per_block>>>(totals_d);
  int* items_d;
  cudaMalloc((void**)&items_d, threads_per_launch * sizeof(int) * N_ITEMS);

  test_malloc_2<<<blocks_per_launch, threads_per_block>>>(items_d, totals_d);


  cuda_status = cudaDeviceSynchronize();
  if (cuda_status != cudaSuccess) {
    printf("Error: %d\n", cuda_status);

  cudaEventRecord(stop, 0);
  float elapsedTime;
  cudaEventElapsedTime(&elapsedTime, start, stop);

  printf("Elapsed: %f\n", elapsedTime);

  int* totals_h(new int[threads_per_launch]);
  cuda_status = cudaMemcpy(totals_h, totals_d, threads_per_launch * sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
  if (cuda_status != cudaSuccess) {
    printf("Error: %d\n", cuda_status);

  for (int i(0); i < 10; ++i) {
    printf("%d ", totals_h[i]);

  delete[] totals_h;

  return cuda_status;


Elapsed: 27.311169
0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080

Elapsed: 1516.711914
0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080
like image 35
Roger Dahl Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 13:10

Roger Dahl