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how to drop administrative user in oracle 12c



I am not able to drop a user created by me which has administrative rights.

I am running below command:


This is the error I am getting:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-28014: cannot drop administrative users
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Govind Gupta Avatar asked Apr 09 '18 08:04

Govind Gupta

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For dropping the user present in Container ROOT, we need to use the hidden parameter “_ORACLE_SCRIPT”. SQL> alter session set "_oracle_script"=true; Session altered.

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Cause: An attempt was made to drop a user that was currently logged in. Action: Make sure the user is logged out, then re-execute the command. The ORA-01940 can always be cured by bouncing the source and replicated instance. First, double-check to ensure that the user is not connected to the current instance.

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1 Answers

set _oracle_script to TRUE and execute drop command as below.

alter session set "_oracle_script"=true;

Session altered

drop user APEX_050000 cascade;

User dropped.

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Govind Gupta Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09

Govind Gupta