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How to drop a collection with pymongo?


I use scarpy to crawl data and save it to cloud hosting mLab successfully with MongoDB.

My collection name is recently and data's count is 5. enter image description here

I want to crawl data again and update my collection recently, so i try to drop the collection and then insert.

Here is my code pipelines.py:

from pymongo import MongoClient from scrapy.conf import settings  class MongoDBPipeline(object):      def __init__(self):         connection = MongoClient(             settings['MONGODB_SERVER'],             settings['MONGODB_PORT'])         db = connection[settings['MONGODB_DB']]         # here is my collection name recently setting         self.collection = db[settings['MONGODB_COLLECTION']]      def process_item(self, item, spider):         # try to drop my collection recently         self.collection.drop()         self.collection.insert(dict(item))         return item 

But when I run my spider, I see my collection recently count is 10 (It should be 5 that is what I want) enter image description here

I looking for some code that how to drop collection. It's just say db.[collection Name].drop()

But its no working in my case when i try self.collection.drop() before self.collection.insert(dict(item))

Anyone can give me some suggestions what is wrong with my code ?

That would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

like image 511
Morton Avatar asked Feb 22 '18 09:02


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Delete Collection You can delete a table, or collection as it is called in MongoDB, by using the drop() method.

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To delete a MongoDB Collection, use db. collection. drop() command.

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To delete documents from a collection of MangoDB, you can delete documents from a collections using the methods delete_one() and delete_many() methods. These methods accept a query object specifying the condition for deleting documents. The detele_one() method deletes a single document, in case of a match.

1 Answers

You need to use drop. Suppose foo is a collection


Or you can use drop_collection

like image 64
Arpit Solanki Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10

Arpit Solanki