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How to drop a Brief bookmark in Visual Studio?

i've created binding for Visual Studio's Edit.BriefBookmarkDropx commands:

  • Edit.BriefBookmarkDrop1: Ctrl+Shift+1
  • Edit.BriefBookmarkDrop2: Ctrl+Shift+2
  • Edit.BriefBookmarkDrop3: Ctrl+Shift+3
  • Edit.BriefBookmarkDrop9: Ctrl+Shift+9

Using Tools -> Options -> Keyboard:

enter image description here

Except that when i hit Ctrl+Shift+2, nothing happens:

enter image description here

i know Microsoft likes to obfuscate Visual Studio features. What's the secret trick that i'm missing?

Note: i am installed DPack into Visual Studio Professional - an addon that provides brief bookmarks (and a number of other essential features). Do not confuse this for an answer to my question:

  • you cannot install addons into Visual Studio Express
  • you cannot install addons into the Visual Studio Shell
  • my question isn't about addons

Bonus Reading

  • MSDN: How to: Use Bookmarks with Brief Emulation (Visual Studio 2008)
  • Numbered Bookmarks addon for Visual Studio 2005
  • DPak Numbered Bookmarks
like image 883
Ian Boyd Avatar asked Oct 09 '22 14:10

Ian Boyd

1 Answers

It took four years, but i figured it out. Everything i was doing was correct. The only issue is that Visual Studio is stupid. Here's how to configure Visual Studio to drop a Brief bookmark:

enter image description here

How's that different from what i showed in the question?

  • Fails Use new shortcut in: Global
  • Works Use new shortcut in: Text Editor

By default any keys you bind in the Global space do nothing.

Which begs the question why the option is there, and the default? But usability is not something Visual Studio team prides itself on.

like image 199
Ian Boyd Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10

Ian Boyd