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How to draw polygons in SDL? [closed]

i would like to draw a polygon in SDL. The number of edges will be determined by the program at run time. Can anyone help me with this request?

like image 496
soso Avatar asked Dec 06 '16 02:12


2 Answers

It's not native SDL, but there's a library sdl_gfx which has a filledPolygonColour function.

like image 144
Colin Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09


I had the same question few years ago and I found the following implementation:

bool DrawFilledPolygon(PolygonShape poly, const SDL_Color color, SDL_Renderer* renderer) {
    int topY;            // used to hold the y coordinate of the top vertex
    int topCnt;            // used to hold the index of the top vertex
    int leftCnt;            // used to hold the index of the vertex left of the top vertex
    int rightCnt;           // used to hold the index of the vertex right of the top vertex
    int startX;            // Starting point to draw the line, uses FP math
    int endX;            // ending point to draw the line, uses FP math
    int cntY;            // y position of the current line
    int leftSlope;              // Slope of the left side, uses FP math
    int rightSlope;             // Slope of the right side, uses FP math
    int cnt;            // counting variable used in loops
    int numVerts = poly.GetNumberOfVertices();    // number of vertices in the polygon being drawn, initialize immediately
    int numVertsProc = 1;           // number of vertices that have been processed, initialize to 1

    Point center = poly.GetCenter();
    Point *verts = poly.GetVertices();      // Vertex information of the polygon

    topY = verts[0].y;          // Initialize the top y coordinate to the first point
    topCnt = 0;            // set to top point to 0

    // assumes points in counterclockwise order
    // find the true top point
    for(cnt = 1; cnt < numVerts; cnt++)      // for all the vertices in the polygon
        if(verts[cnt].y < topY)        // if vertex of the current vertex is above the top vertex
            topY = verts[cnt].y;        // set the top vertex to the current vertex
            topCnt = cnt;           // set the reference number of the top vertex

    // find point to left
    leftCnt = topCnt - 1;           // set the left point to one less than the top point
    if(leftCnt < 0)             // if the left vertex specified is less than 0
        leftCnt = numVerts - 1;        // set the left vertex to the top vertex

    // find point to right
    rightCnt = topCnt + 1;          // set the right vertex to one more than the top vertex
    if(rightCnt >= numVerts)        // if the right vertex specified is more than the number of vertices
        rightCnt = 0;          // set it equal to 0

    startX = endX = (verts[topCnt].x + center.x) << 16;  // set the starting and ending points of the line
    cntY = verts[topCnt].y;         // set the first y value to draw at

    if(verts[leftCnt].y != verts[topCnt].y)     // if the top and left vertex do not have the same y value
        leftSlope = ((verts[leftCnt].x - verts[topCnt].x) << 16) / (verts[leftCnt].y - verts[topCnt].y);    // find the left side slope
    if(verts[rightCnt].y != verts[topCnt].y)    // if the top and right vertex do not have the same y value
        rightSlope = ((verts[rightCnt].x - verts[topCnt].x) << 16) / (verts[rightCnt].y - verts[topCnt].y); // find the right side slope

    SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);       

    // find slopes
    while(numVertsProc < numVerts)          // if there remain vertices to be processed
     // rasterize to first point
        while(cntY < verts[leftCnt].y && cntY < verts[rightCnt].y)  // while one of the two side points hasn't been reached yet
            SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer, startX >> 16, cntY + center.y, endX >> 16, cntY + center.y);
            //DrawLine(Point(startX >> 16, cntY + center.y), Point(endX >> 16, cntY + center.y), col);  // draw a line between the sides
            cntY++;             // increment the y position by 1
            startX += leftSlope;        // increase the starting x value by the left slope
            endX += rightSlope;        // increase the ending x value by the right slope
        // set top point to point met
        // set point met to next point
        // find new slope
        if(verts[leftCnt].y <= cntY)      // if the raster line passes the left coordinate
            topCnt = leftCnt;        // set the top point to the left side
            leftCnt--;          // decrement the left point
            if(leftCnt < 0)         // if the left point is less than zero
                leftCnt = numVerts - 1;      // wrap around
            if(verts[leftCnt].y != verts[topCnt].y)     // if the top and new left vertex do not have the same y value
                leftSlope = ((verts[leftCnt].x - verts[topCnt].x) << 16) / (verts[leftCnt].y - verts[topCnt].y);    // find the left side slope

            startX = (verts[topCnt].x + center.x) << 16;    // set the starting x position
            numVertsProc++;         // increment the number of vertices processed

        if(verts[rightCnt].y <= cntY)      // if the raster line passes the right coordinate
            topCnt = rightCnt;        // set the top point to the right side
            rightCnt++;          // increment the right point
            if(rightCnt == numVerts)      // if the right point is more than the number of vertices
                rightCnt = 0;        // set the right point to zero
            if(verts[rightCnt].y != verts[topCnt].y)  // if the top and new right vertex do not have the same y value
                rightSlope = ((verts[rightCnt].x - verts[topCnt].x) << 16) / (verts[rightCnt].y - verts[topCnt].y); // find the right side slope

            endX = (verts[topCnt].x + center.x) << 16;  // set the ending x position
            numVertsProc++;         // increment the number of vertices processed
        SDL_RenderDrawLine(renderer, startX >> 16, cntY + center.y, endX >> 16, cntY + center.y);
        //DrawLine(Point(startX >> 16, cntY + center.y), Point(endX >> 16, cntY + center.y), col); // draw a line between the sides 
    // continue until the number of vertices p0 has touched == number of vertices

    return true;            // return success

With this code I adapted mine in order to test it as follows:

#include "SDL.h"
//#include "SDL_image.h"
//#include "SDL_ttf.h"
//#include "SDL_mixer.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

class Point {
        Point() {};
        Point(int x, int y) { this->x = x; this->y = y; };
        int x, y;

class PolygonShape {
        PolygonShape(std::vector<Point> vertices);
        Point GetCenter(void);  
        Point * GetVertices(void);
        int GetNumberOfVertices(void);
        Point * vertices;
        Point center;
        int length;

PolygonShape::PolygonShape(std::vector<Point> vertices){
    int minX = 0xFFFF, minY = 0xFFFF, maxX = 0, maxY = 0;
    this->length = vertices.size();
    this->vertices = new Point[length];
    for (int i = 0; i < this->length; i++) {
        this->vertices[i] = Point(vertices[i].x, vertices[i].y);
        if (this->vertices[i].x > maxX) maxX = this->vertices[i].x;
        if (this->vertices[i].x < minX) minX = this->vertices[i].x;
        if (this->vertices[i].y > maxY) maxY = this->vertices[i].y;
        if (this->vertices[i].y < minY) minY = this->vertices[i].y;
    this->center.x = minX + ((maxX - minX) / 2);
    this->center.y = minY + ((maxY - minY) / 2);

PolygonShape::~PolygonShape() {
    delete[] this->vertices;

Point PolygonShape::GetCenter(void) {
    return center;

Point * PolygonShape::GetVertices(void) {
    return this->vertices;

int PolygonShape::GetNumberOfVertices(void) {
    return this->length;

The main function:

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) != 0) {
        std::cout << "SDL_Init Error: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
        return 1;
    SDL_Window *win = SDL_CreateWindow("Prueba", 100, 100, 960, 540, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN);
    if (win == NULL) {
        std::cout << "SDL_CreateWindow Error: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
        return 1;
    if (ren == NULL) {
        std::cout << "SDL_CreateRenderer Error: " << SDL_GetError() << std::endl;
        return 1;


    SDL_Color color = {.r = 255, .g = 255, .b = 255, .a = 255 };

    std::vector<Point> vertices;

    vertices.push_back(Point(10, 10));
    vertices.push_back(Point(100, 10));
    vertices.push_back(Point(150, 75));
    vertices.push_back(Point(20, 105));

    PolygonShape poly = PolygonShape(vertices);

    DrawFilledPolygon(poly, color, ren);




    return 0;

I hope it helps you! :-)

like image 39
omotto Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09
