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How to draw a 3D sphere?


I want to draw a 3D ball or sphere in HTML 5.0 canvas. I want to understand the Algorithm about how to draw a 3D sphere. Who can share this with me?

like image 796
user165273 Avatar asked Oct 18 '09 13:10


People also ask

How do you draw a basic sphere?

The first step in learning to draw a sphere is to draw a circle. Lightly sketch a square, and then slice off the corners to make a sketchy octagon. Next, indicate a direct light source that's angled 45 degrees slightly toward the sphere. Draw the terminator.

Which 3D tool is used to draw a sphere?

Use the 3D Tool in Illustrator All you have to do to draw a sphere in Illustrator is to draw a circle and cut that circle into a half circle. Then add the 3D revolve effect and "presto", you have a perfect sphere. You even have some control on the surface texture and the light source.

2 Answers

You will need to model a sphere, and have it be varying colors so that as it rotates you can see that it is not only a sphere, but being rendered.

Otherwise, a sphere in space, with not point of reference around it looks like a circle, if it is all one solid color.

To start with you will want to try drawing a circle with rectangles, as that is the main primitive you have.

Once you understand how to do that, or create a new primitive, such as a triangle, using the Path method, and create a circle, then you are ready to move it to 3D.

3D is just a trick, as you will take your model, probably generated by an equation, and then flatten it, as you determine which parts will be seen, and then display it.

But, you will want to change the color of the triangles based on how far they are from a source of light, as well as based on the angle of that part to the light source.

This is where you can start to do optimizations, as, if you do this pixel by pixel then you are raytracing. If you have larger blocks, and a point source of light, and the object is rotating but not moving around then you can recalculate how the color changes for each triangle, then it is just a matter of changing colors to simulate rotating.

The algorithm will depend on what simplifications you want to make, so as you gain experience come back and ask, showing what you have done so far.

Here is an example of doing it, and below I copied the 3D sphere part, but please look at the entire article.

function Sphere3D(radius) {
 this.point = new Array();
 this.color = "rgb(100,0,255)"
 this.radius = (typeof(radius) == "undefined") ? 20.0 : radius;
 this.radius = (typeof(radius) != "number") ? 20.0 : radius;
 this.numberOfVertexes = 0;

 // Loop from 0 to 360 degrees with a pitch of 10 degrees ... 
  for(alpha = 0; alpha <= 6.28; alpha += 0.17) {
   p = this.point[this.numberOfVertexes] = new Point3D();

   p.x = Math.cos(alpha) * this.radius;
   p.y = 0;
   p.z = Math.sin(alpha) * this.radius;


 // Loop from 0 to 90 degrees with a pitch of 10 degrees ... 
 // (direction = 1)

 // Loop from 0 to 90 degrees with a pitch of 10 degrees ...
 // (direction = -1)

 for(var direction = 1; direction >= -1; direction -= 2) {
   for(var beta = 0.17; beta < 1.445; beta += 0.17) {

     var radius = Math.cos(beta) * this.radius;
     var fixedY = Math.sin(beta) * this.radius * direction;

     for(var alpha = 0; alpha < 6.28; alpha += 0.17) {
       p = this.point[this.numberOfVertexes] = new Point3D();

       p.x = Math.cos(alpha) * radius;
       p.y = fixedY;
       p.z = Math.sin(alpha) * radius;

like image 170
James Black Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 00:10

James Black

u can try with three.js library , which abstracts a lot of code from core webgl programming. Include three.js library in your html from three.js lib.

u can use canvas renderer for safari browser , webgl works for chrome

please find the JS FIDDLE FOR SPHERE

var camera, scene, material, mesh, geometry, renderer

function drawSphere() {


function init() {
    // camera 

    scene = new THREE.Scene()
    camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(50, window.innerWidth / innerHeight, 1, 1000);
    camera.position.z = 300;

    // sphere object
    var radius = 50,
        segments = 10,
        rings = 10;
    geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry(radius, segments, rings);
    material = new THREE.MeshNormalMaterial({
        color: 0x002288
    mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material);


    // renderer
    renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
    renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight);


function animate() {


function render() {

    mesh.rotation.x += .01;
    mesh.rotation.y += .02;
    renderer.render(scene, camera);


// fn callin
like image 31
Bhupendra Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 01:10
