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Dynamically requiring files?


Does anyone know enough about Ruby's require to tell me if the following is valid syntax:

class Something

  def initialize(mode)
     case mode
     when :one then require 'some_gem'
     when :two then require 'other_gem'


s = Something.new

If so, will the require place the gem into the global namespace as it would when at the top of the file?

like image 872
Roja Buck Avatar asked Feb 09 '10 16:02

Roja Buck

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2 Answers

If so, would the require place the gem into the global namespace as the same require at the top of the file would?

Yes. require doesn't have scope, while load does.

like image 186
Simone Carletti Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 11:11

Simone Carletti

Yes it's perfectly valid and works as expected because require isn't scoped

Require pulls in the code from the specified file and attempts to use it in-place - that might mean that it isn't sensible to do but yes it can be done.

The local method scope would be unaffected and any class definition etc would be at the expected scope

like image 40
Chris McCauley Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 12:11

Chris McCauley