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How to download the trained models from Azure machine studio?

I have created two models in azure ml studio and i want to download those models.

Is it possible to download train and score models from azure ml studio?

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Pranshu Shrivastava MUMCORPENG Avatar asked Dec 20 '16 07:12

Pranshu Shrivastava MUMCORPENG

2 Answers

It is actually possible. First, transform your experiment as a retraining web-service, then download (right-click on the module) the output of the web-service module that is connected to the "train model" module. Sample 5: Train, Test, Evaluate for Binary Classification: Adult Dataset

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Ahmet Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09


Models can be trained, scored, saved, and run in AzureML studio, but can't downloaded to your local machine. There's no way to do anything with a model outside of AzureML.

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andyabel Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09
