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Azure media services live streaming endpoint hangs in "starting" status

The default live streaming endpoint doesn't start and I can't stop or cancel. The only way to get out of it is to delete the entire resource group. I did it and tried again with the same results. I added 1 streaming unit and enabled the CDN before trying to start it the second time. Any idea what's the problem and/or how to make the end point start properly?

enter image description here

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Pyramid Newbie Avatar asked Jul 25 '16 21:07

Pyramid Newbie

2 Answers

@Danny F had his answer deleted, but he was right on the money.

Azure Media Service's streaming endpoints will hang on "Starting" for several minutes then stop if you've specified a CDN, but have not created the accompanying eligible CDN endpoint.

Additionally, by default, the default streaming endpoint is created with a Verizon CDN type which are not available in the "Free Trial"

To solve the problem either:

  • Disable CDN

enter image description here

  • Create an eligible CDN endpoint and reference it.

enter image description here

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crthompson Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09


Still, at the end of 2019, this issue persists (using media services v3). If you follow the Azure Media Services tutorial, in the last step, you are supposed to create a streaming endpoint with default name, however, if you start it - via a portal or via code -

await client.StreamingEndpoints.StartAsync(resourceGroupName, accountName, DefaultStreamingEndpointName);

it's stucked on Starting status and then stopped, so your code still awaits.

I don't know the reason for this (IMO buggy) behavior, nevertheless, I've found a solution.

In the portal just go to your Media service > Streaming endpoints, add the new streaming endpoint with new name e.g. implicit, run it (via portal or API) and use this new one.

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Martin Makarsky Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09

Martin Makarsky