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How to download a file from s3 using provided url?

In my application I will get the url of s3 file like : https://s3.amazonaws.com/account-update/input.csv I have to download it and then process it. What I already done :

AmazonS3 s3 = new AmazonS3Client(credentials);
S3Object s3object = s3.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(
bucketName, key));

I am able to download the file by providing bucket name and key, but how can I download the file using the url(https://s3.amazonaws.com/account-update/input.csv) only?

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Rohit Chouhan Avatar asked May 22 '17 18:05

Rohit Chouhan

People also ask

How do I use a pre-signed URL?

When you create a presigned URL, you must provide your security credentials and then specify a bucket name, an object key, an HTTP method (PUT for uploading objects), and an expiration date and time. The presigned URLs are valid only for the specified duration.

How does S3 Presigned URL work?

Pre-signed URLs are used to provide short-term access to a private object in your S3 bucket. They work by appending an AWS Access Key, expiration time, and Sigv4 signature as query parameters to the S3 object. There are two common use cases when you may want to use them: Simple, occasional sharing of private files.

2 Answers

You could download the file via a standard curl/wget, the same as you would download any other file off the Internet.

The important part, however, is to enable access to the object from Amazon S3. A few options:

  • Make the object publicly-readable: This can be done via the console or CLI/API. However, anyone with that URL will be able to download it.
  • Create an Amazon S3 Bucket Policy that grants read access for the desired file/directory/bucket. But, again, anyone with the URL will be able to access those objects.
  • Keep the object private, but use a pre-signed URL that adds parameters to the URL to prove that you are permitted to download the object. This pre-signed URL is time-limited and can be generated with a few lines of code using current AWS credentials.
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John Rotenstein Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

John Rotenstein

You may consider using the AWS SDK class AmazonS3URI as shown below:

URI fileToBeDownloaded = new URI(" https://s3.amazonaws.com/account-update/input.csv"); 

AmazonS3URI s3URI = new AmazonS3URI(fileToBeDownloaded);

S3Object s3Object = s3Client.getObject(s3URI.getBucket(), s3URI.getKey());

From here on, you should be able to utilise the s3Object obtained in a similar fashion to the s3Object shown in your code.

For more Java related AWS SDK examples on using this class check here

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Jawad Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09
