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How to do if/else in ngrx/effects?

I am using ngrx/effects. I want to dispatch different actions based on a foo state in the store.

This is how I am doing now:

 @Effect() foo1$ = this.updates$
    .filter(obj => !obj.state.product.foo)
    .map(x => ({ type: Actions.BAR1, payload: { x }}));

  @Effect() foo2$ = this.updates$
    .filter(obj => obj.state.product.foo)
    .map(x => ({ type: Actions.BAR2, payload: { x }}));

Is there a way to use RxJS 5 operators like partition, groupBy, if, case in this post? I cannot use it correctly now.

like image 816
Hongbo Miao Avatar asked Sep 02 '16 19:09

Hongbo Miao

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1 Answers

Having 2 separate effect sources are fine. Otherwise make it simple:

@Effect() foo$ = this.updates$
    .map(({action, state}) => {
        if (state.product.foo) {
            return { type: Actions.CHAT_GET_MESSAGES2, payload: { action.payload }};
        } else {
            return { type: Actions.CHAT_GET_MESSAGES, payload: { action.payload }};
like image 182
André Werlang Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

André Werlang