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How to do discretization of continuous attributes in sklearn?

My data consists of a mix of continuous and categorical features. Below is a small snippet of how my data looks like in the csv format (Consider it as data collected by a super store chain that operates stores in different cities)

city,avg_income_in_city,population,square_feet_of_store_area,  store_type ,avg_revenue
NY  ,54504            , 3506908   ,3006                       ,INDOOR    , 8000091
CH  ,44504            , 2505901   ,4098                       ,INDOOR    , 4000091
HS  ,50134            , 3206911   ,1800                       ,KIOSK     , 7004567
NY  ,54504            , 3506908   ,1000                       ,KIOSK     , 2000091

Her you can see that avg_income_in_city, square_feet_of_store_area and avg_revenue are continuous values where as city,store_type etc are categorical classes (and few more which I have not shown here to maintain the brevity of the data).

I wish to model the data in order to predict the revenue. The question is how to 'Discretizate' the continuous values using sklearn? Does sklearn provide any "readymade" class/method for Discretization of the continuous values? (like we have in Orange e.g Orange.Preprocessor_discretize(data, method=orange.EntropyDiscretization())

Thanks !

like image 447
data_learner Avatar asked Apr 24 '14 11:04


People also ask

How do you discretize continuous variables?

Discretization is the process through which we can transform continuous variables, models or functions into a discrete form. We do this by creating a set of contiguous intervals (or bins) that go across the range of our desired variable/model/function. Continuous data is Measured, while Discrete data is Counted.

How do you discretize continuous data in Python?

Discretization in python Then you can use the `qcut` method with two arguments. The first argument is the column containing the variable that you want to discretize, and the second argument is the number of bins you want to obtain. The output of the `qcut` method is a new column that can be added to the basetable.

Why might we want to discretize an attribute?

Discretizing is transforming numeric attributes to nominal. You might want to do that in order to use a classification method that can't handle numeric attributes (unlikely), or to produce better results (likely), or to produce a more comprehensible model such as a simpler decision tree (very likely).

1 Answers

Update (Sep 2018): As of version 0.20.0, there is a function, sklearn.preprocessing.KBinsDiscretizer, which provides discretization of continuous features using a few different strategies:

  • Uniformly-sized bins
  • Bins with "equal" numbers of samples inside (as much as possible)
  • Bins based on K-means clustering

Unfortunately, at the moment, the function does not accept custom intervals (which is a bummer for me as that is what I wanted and the reason I ended up here). If you want to achieve the same, you can use Pandas function cut:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
n_samples = 10
a = np.random.randint(0, 10, n_samples)

# say you want to split at 1 and 3
boundaries = [1, 3]
# add min and max values of your data
boundaries = sorted({a.min(), a.max() + 1} | set(boundaries))

a_discretized_1 = pd.cut(a, bins=boundaries, right=False)
a_discretized_2 = pd.cut(a, bins=boundaries, labels=range(len(boundaries) - 1), right=False)
a_discretized_3 = pd.cut(a, bins=boundaries, labels=range(len(boundaries) - 1), right=False).astype(float)
print(a, '\n')
print(a_discretized_1, '\n', a_discretized_1.dtype, '\n')
print(a_discretized_2, '\n', a_discretized_2.dtype, '\n')
print(a_discretized_3, '\n', a_discretized_3.dtype, '\n')

which produces:

[2 2 9 7 2 9 3 0 4 0]

[[1, 3), [1, 3), [3, 10), [3, 10), [1, 3), [3, 10), [3, 10), [0, 1), [3, 10), [0, 1)]
Categories (3, interval[int64]): [[0, 1) < [1, 3) < [3, 10)]

[1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0]
Categories (3, int64): [0 < 1 < 2]

[1. 1. 2. 2. 1. 2. 2. 0. 2. 0.]

Note that, by default, pd.cut returns a pd.Series object of dtype Category with elements of type interval[int64]. If you specify your own labels, the dtype of the output will still be a Category, but the elements will be of type int64. If you want the series to have a numeric dtype, you can use .astype(np.int64).

My example uses integer data, but it should work just as fine with floats.

like image 97
marcotama Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 08:10
