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How to do a Python XPath case-insensitive search using lxml?

I am trying to match for country or Country using lower-case function in XPath. translate is kinda messy, so using lower-case and my Python version 2.6.6 has XPath 2.0 support I believe since lower-case is only available in XPath 2.0.

How I can put lower-case to use in my case is what I am looking for. Hope the example is self explanatory. I am looking for ['USA', 'US'] as output (both countries in one go which can happen if lower-case evaluates Country and country to be the same).

HTML: doc.htm

                Name of the Country : <span> USA </span>
                Name of the country : <span> UK </span>

Python :

import lxml.html as lh

doc = open('doc.htm', 'r')
out = lh.parse(doc)

print out.xpath('//table/tr/td[text()[contains(. , "Country")]]/span/text()')
# Prints : [' USA ']
print out.xpath('//table/tr/td[text()[contains(. , "country")]]/span/text()')
# Prints : [' UK ']

print out.xpath('//table/tr/td[lower-case(text())[contains(. , "country")]]/span/text()')
# Prints : [<Element td at 0x15db2710>]

Update :

out.xpath('//table/tr/td[text()[contains(translate(., "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") , "country")]]/span/text()')

Now the question remains, can I store the translate part as a global variable 'handlecase' and print that global variable whenever I do an XPath?

Something like this works :

handlecase = """translate(., "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")"""

out.xpath('//table/tr/td[text()[contains(%s , "country")]]/span/text()' % (handlecase))

But for sake of simplicity and readability, I want to run it like this :

out.xpath('//table/tr/td[text()[contains(handlecase , "country")]]/span/text()')
like image 949
ThinkCode Avatar asked Jun 27 '12 14:06


2 Answers

I believe the easiest thing to get what you want would be just writing an XPath Extension function.

By doing this, you could either write a lower-case() function, or a case insensitive search.

You can find the details here: http://lxml.de/extensions.html

like image 67
stranac Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10



   //td[translate(substring(text()[1], string-length(text()[1]) - 9),
                  'COUNTRY :',

XSLT - based verification:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
 <xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>

 <xsl:template match="/">
  <xsl:copy-of select=
  "//td[translate(substring(text()[1], string-length(text()[1]) - 9),
                  'COUNTRY :',

When this transformation is applied on the provided XML document:

                    Name of the Country : <span> USA </span>
                    Name of the country : <span> UK </span>

the XPath expression is evaluated and the selected two text-nodes are copied to the output:



  1. We use a specific variant of the XPath 1.0 expression that implements the XPath 2.0 standard function ends-with($text, $s): this is:


$s = substring($text, string-length($text) - string-length($s) +1)

.2. The next step is, using the translate() function, to convert the ending 10-character long string to lowercase, eliminating any spaces or any ":" character.

.3. If the result is the string (all lowercase) "country", then we select the children text nodes (only one in this case) of the s=span child of this td.

like image 24
Dimitre Novatchev Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Dimitre Novatchev