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How to do 64bit Integer arithmetic in Node.js?

Anyone have any suggestions on how to perform arithmetic on 64bit integers in Node.js? The node-int64 package doesn't seem to support that.

like image 657
user1502301 Avatar asked Jun 04 '14 12:06


People also ask

Does JavaScript support 64-bit int?

Since JavaScript does not natively support 64-bit integers, 64-bit Ids are instead represented as strings. Strings containing 64-bit Ids are distinguished from ordinary strings through use of the Id64String type alias.

What is a 32 bit integer JavaScript?

32-bit integer has range from -2147483648 ( -2^31 ) to 2147483647 ( 2^31 − 1 )

How long is a 64bit integer?

A 64-bit signed integer. It has a minimum value of -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and a maximum value of 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 (inclusive). A 64-bit unsigned integer.

2 Answers

Javascript does not support 64 bit integers, because the native number type is a 64-bit double, giving only 53 bits of integer range.

You can create arrays of 32-bit numbers (i.e. Uint32Array) but if there were a 64-bit version of those there'd be no way to copy values from it into standalone variables.

There are some modules around to provide 64bit integer support:

  • node-bigint
  • bignum (based on OpenSSL)
  • int64

Maybe your problem can be solved using one of those libraries.

like image 159
Sarath Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 17:10


As of v10.4.0 NodeJS supports the BigInt type natively (see MDN BigInt docs). These support arithmetic operations too.

like image 5
Alex Tullenhoff Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 15:10

Alex Tullenhoff