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How to distinguish between left and right mouse click with jQuery

How do you obtain the clicked mouse button using jQuery?

$('div').bind('click', function(){     alert('clicked'); }); 

this is triggered by both right and left click, what is the way of being able to catch right mouse click? I'd be happy if something like below exists:

$('div').bind('rightclick', function(){      alert('right mouse button is pressed'); }); 
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Sinan Avatar asked Jul 30 '09 12:07


People also ask

How does jQuery detect right click?

oncontextmenu = function() {return false;}; $(document). mousedown(function(e){ if( e. button == 2 ) { alert('Right mouse button! '); return false; } return true; }); });

Is it right click or left click?

When you press the one on the right, it is called a right click. By default, the left button is the main mouse button, and is used for common tasks such as selecting objects and double-clicking. The right mouse button is often used to open contextual menus, which are pop-up menus that change depending where you click.

What is click in jQuery?

jQuery click() MethodThe click event occurs when an element is clicked. The click() method triggers the click event, or attaches a function to run when a click event occurs.

Which event occurs when you click the left button of a mouse?

Events order For instance, a left-button click first triggers mousedown , when the button is pressed, then mouseup and click when it's released. In cases when a single action initiates multiple events, their order is fixed. That is, the handlers are called in the order mousedown → mouseup → click .

2 Answers

As of jQuery version 1.1.3, event.which normalizes event.keyCode and event.charCode so you don't have to worry about browser compatibility issues. Documentation on event.which

event.which will give 1, 2 or 3 for left, middle and right mouse buttons respectively so:

$('#element').mousedown(function(event) {     switch (event.which) {         case 1:             alert('Left Mouse button pressed.');             break;         case 2:             alert('Middle Mouse button pressed.');             break;         case 3:             alert('Right Mouse button pressed.');             break;         default:             alert('You have a strange Mouse!');     } }); 
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Acorn Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 23:10


Edit: I changed it to work for dynamically added elements using .on() in jQuery 1.7 or above:

$(document).on("contextmenu", ".element", function(e){    alert('Context Menu event has fired!');    return false; }); 

Demo: jsfiddle.net/Kn9s7/5

[Start of original post] This is what worked for me:

$('.element').bind("contextmenu",function(e){    alert('Context Menu event has fired!');    return false; });  

In case you are into multiple solutions ^^

Edit: Tim Down brings up a good point that it's not always going to be a right-click that fires the contextmenu event, but also when the context menu key is pressed (which is arguably a replacement for a right-click)

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Jeff Hines Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 01:10

Jeff Hines