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how to display toolbox on the left side of window of Visual Studio Express for windows phone 7 development?

I am new to Visual Studio development.

Occasionally I hide the toolbox on the left side of window of Visual Studio Express. But then, sometimes, I would like to use it.

How does one reactivate and display it?

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monsabre Avatar asked May 12 '11 06:05


People also ask

How do I add a toolbox to the left of Visual Studio?

If the Toolbox no longer appears as collapsed along the left side of the Visual Studio IDE, you can add it back by choosing Window > Reset Window Layout from the menu bar.

How do I open the side menu in Visual Studio?

To hide/show the side bar: Ctrl + B on Linux and Windows.

How do I add a toolbox tool in Visual Studio?

Right-click anywhere on the toolbox and select "Choose Items… ​" to open the Choose Toolbox Items dialog box. Scroll through the list, and select the check boxes corresponding to the Ultimate UI for Windows Forms controls and components that you want to add to the toolbox. Click OK.

1 Answers

Ctrl-Alt-X is the keyboard shortcut I use, although that may because I have Resharper installed - otherwise Ctrl W, X.

From the menu: View -> Toolbox.

You can easily view/change key bindings using Tools -> Options Environment->Keyboard. It has a convenient UI where you can enter a word, and it shows you what key bindings include that word, including View.Toolbox.

You might want to browse through the online MSDN documentation on getting started with Visual Studio.

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Damian Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09
