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How to display other than the first wizard page of an Xtended WPF Toolkit Wizard in designer?

I want to build a wizard using Xtended WPF Toolkit's wizard controls. However, in the designer I only see the first page and cannot find a way to switch to another one. In other controls like the TabControl if I place the cursor into a TabItem the designer switches, but here it does not.

So, how do I achieve this?

like image 917
rabejens Avatar asked Mar 10 '23 05:03


1 Answers

There are only two options for viewing pages in the "Wizard": use the CurrentPage and by editing Wizard items visibility (you can comment out those items you finished to work with).

There is no other way to see different pages at design time. To use CurrentPage property, you can use it for design and delete before compile. I don't see another simple way to do this.

Just updated original XCeed's Wizard example with required property

<xctk:Wizard FinishButtonClosesWindow="True" CurrentPage="{Binding ElementName=Page2}">
            <xctk:WizardPage x:Name="IntroPage" 
                                   Title="Welcome to my Wizard"
                                   Description="This Wizard will walk you though how to do something." />
            <xctk:WizardPage x:Name="Page1" PageType="Interior"
                                   Title="Page 1"
                                   Description="This is the first page in the process."
                                   NextPage="{Binding ElementName=Page2}"
                                   PreviousPage="{Binding ElementName=IntroPage}"/>
            <xctk:WizardPage x:Name="Page2" PageType="Interior"
                                   Title="Page 2"
                                   Description="This is the second page in the process"/>
            <xctk:WizardPage x:Name="LastPage" PageType="Interior"
                                   Title="Last Page"
                                   Description="This is the last page in the process"
like image 146
Shakra Avatar answered May 10 '23 03:05
