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How to display Mollie order status in the redirecturl?

The redirectURL does not seem to POST any data back. It seems to use a GET request. How do I know the payment ID or payment status on the return URL?

$payment = \mollie::api()->payments()->create([
    'amount'        => $price,
    'customerId'    => $customer->id,
    'description'   => 'My Initial Payment',
    'redirectUrl'   => \URL::to('/after-payment'),
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Z0q Avatar asked Feb 04 '23 16:02


2 Answers

The POST request Daan describes is for the webhook only. Mollie will redirect back to your website using a GET request to the redirectUrl you provide. There is no data sent back to your redirectUrl, however you could add your payment/invoice id to the GET parameters in the redirectUrl:

$payment = \mollie::api()->payments()->create([
    'amount'        => $price,
    'customerId'    => $customer->id,
    'description'   => 'My Initial Payment',
    'redirectUrl'   => \URL::to('/after-payment').'?invoice_id='.$invoice->id,
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Mark de Groot Avatar answered Feb 08 '23 14:02

Mark de Groot

Edit: as pointed out in the comments, I was talking about the webhook URL. Mark’s answer is the correct one, as he’s describing the redirect URL.

As stated in Mollie's docs, a POST request is sent with one parameter id=tr_xxxxxx. Are you sending a 301 or 302 redirection header? In that case the post data is lost and you'll receive a GET request.

Note that you can always add your own transaction identifier to the webhook URL if you need the redirection.

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Daan Avatar answered Feb 08 '23 15:02
