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Removing columns from migration in Laravel 5.4

I created a table using migration like:

 Schema::create('listings', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $table->decimal('original_price', 10, 2);
        $table->decimal('discouted_price', 10, 2);




Now i wanna remove this two colums from ('listings').



But someone can write the this new migration how must look for remove on this two columns ?

like image 342
Aleksandur Atanasov Avatar asked Feb 04 '23 22:02

Aleksandur Atanasov

2 Answers

The function for hasColumn in Laravel Schema Builder in L5.8 is as follows:

 return in_array(
 strtolower($column), array_map('strtolower',$this->getColumnListing($table)));

so you should use your table name as the first parameter, like this

public function up() {

 if(Schema::hasColumn('listings','city_id')) {

    Schema::table('listings',function (Blueprint $table) {





repeat for each column that you wish to drop

like image 125
Bruce Tong Avatar answered Feb 08 '23 04:02

Bruce Tong

You can do like this,

if (Schema::hasColumn('city_id', 'destination_city_id'))
       $table->dropColumn(['city_id', 'destination_city_id']);

Its always better to check if relavant column exists in table.

Give it a try, this should work.

like image 44
Rahul Avatar answered Feb 08 '23 03:02
