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How to dismiss the dialog with click on outside of the dialog?

I have implemented a custom dialog for my application. I want to implement that when the user clicks outside the dialog, the dialog will be dismissed. What do I have to do for this?

like image 936
Shreyash Mahajan Avatar asked Dec 05 '11 10:12

Shreyash Mahajan

People also ask

How do I stop dialog close on click outside Android?

Simply, alertDialog. setCancelable(false); prevent user from click outside of Dialog Box.

How do you prevent a dialog from closing when a button is clicked?

If you wish to prevent a dialog box from closing when one of these buttons is pressed you must replace the common button handler for the actual view of the button.

How do you dismiss a dialog flutter?

To Dismiss Dialog user needs to make use of an inbuilt class like showDialog. The dialog route created by this method is pushed to the root navigator. If the application has multiple Navigator objects. It may be necessary to call Navigator.

3 Answers

You can use dialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(true); which will close the dialog if you touch outside of the dialog.

Something like,

  Dialog dialog = new Dialog(context)

Or if your Dialog in non-model then,

1 - Set the flag-FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL for your dialog's window attribute

Window window = this.getWindow();

2 - Add another flag to windows properties,, FLAG_WATCH_OUTSIDE_TOUCH - this one is for dialog to receive touch event outside its visible region.

3 - Override onTouchEvent() of dialog and check for action type. if the action type is 'MotionEvent.ACTION_OUTSIDE' means, user is interacting outside the dialog region. So in this case, you can dimiss your dialog or decide what you wanted to perform. view plainprint?

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)  

       if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_OUTSIDE){  
        System.out.println("TOuch outside the dialog ******************** ");  
       return false;  

For more info look at How to dismiss a custom dialog based on touch points? and How to dismiss your non-modal dialog, when touched outside dialog region

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user370305 Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 23:10


Simply use

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Ebin Sebastian Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 00:10

Ebin Sebastian

You can use this implementation of onTouchEvent. It prevent from reacting underneath activity to the touch event (as mentioned howettl).

public boolean onTouchEvent ( MotionEvent event ) {
  // I only care if the event is an UP action
  if ( event.getAction () == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP ) {
    // create a rect for storing the window rect
    Rect r = new Rect ( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    // retrieve the windows rect
    this.getWindow ().getDecorView ().getHitRect ( r );
    // check if the event position is inside the window rect
    boolean intersects = r.contains ( (int) event.getX (), (int) event.getY () );
    // if the event is not inside then we can close the activity
    if ( !intersects ) {
      // close the activity
      this.finish ();
      // notify that we consumed this event
      return true;
  // let the system handle the event
  return super.onTouchEvent ( event );

Source: http://blog.twimager.com/2010/08/closing-activity-by-touching-outside.html

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Lukas Novak Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 01:10

Lukas Novak