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How to dismiss Loader after data is ready

In my Ionic 2 app, I have a component that consumes a service which makes an http GET to fetch some data. My component then calls this service and when data is available it sets and presents it.

It looks like following:

export class FarmList implements OnInit {

  items: Object;

  constructor(public testService: TestService, public nav: NavController){




    let loading = Loading.create({
      content: 'Please wait..',
      spinner: 'crescent'


    this.testService.fetchData().then(data => this.items = data)



While my component fetches the data asynchronously, I am trying to have a loader spinning and once the data is available, I want the loader to disappear.

However, with my current code the spinner keeps spinning even after data is available and displayed as can be seen the screenshot:

enter image description here

getData() is the method that makes service call. How can I fix this? Is it the correct way to implement loader?

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Thinker Avatar asked Jun 29 '16 09:06


1 Answers

You can find a working plunker here.

Like you can see in the code of that plunker, I would make a few changes in order to make your code work properly:

  export class FarmList implements OnInit {

  items: Object;

  // Define the loading var here, so we can access later when the information is ready
  loading : any;

  constructor(public testService: TestService, public nav: NavController){

  // Instead of 'ngOnInit', I would use 'ionViewWillEnter'


    this.loading = Loading.create({
      content: 'Please wait..',
      spinner: 'crescent'


    this.testService.fetchData().then(data => { 
                                       this.items = data;

                                       // After we get the data, we hide the loading


  // I 've added this method so we can grab the loading var and use it 
  // to hide the loading component.
  private hideLoading(){




As of the release of Ionic 2.0.0-beta.8 (2016-06-06) changelog:

onPageWillEnter was renamed to ionViewWillEnter

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sebaferreras Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 21:10
