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How to disable the title in select2

I've a select2 dropdown which looks like this :

    $(function () {
  $("#itemSelect").select2().on("select2:select", function (e) {
        var id = e.params.data.title;
        var url = siteRoot + "/site/item?itemID=" + id ;

It gets it's values from my Model in html:

<select class="js-data-example-ajax" aria-expanded="true" style="width: 100%; display: none;" id="itemSelect">
<option disabled selected value="-1"> Search by item </option>
@foreach (var item in Model)
    <option text="@item.Id" title="@item.Id">

Everything works fine, EXCEPT when I choose an item and it's loaded, I can hover over the dropdown and it shows me the ID from the item. I don't want to show the ID!

enter image description here

In the picture you see the dropdown and the item number which appears when I hover over "Ice Tea"

I know it's because select2 gets the id by var id = e.params.data.title;, but how can I change this? It's not working with var id = e.params.data.id;

I tried to use tooltip, but I'm new to this.

//    title: "Search item",

//    placement: "auto"

I just want to get rid of the ID in the dropdown while hover over. Every help is appreciated.

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marS Avatar asked Feb 19 '16 08:02


People also ask

How do I turn off Select 2?

In order to enable or disable Select2, you should call . prop('disabled', true/false) on the element. Support for the old methods will be completely removed in Select2 4.1.

How do I hide select2 search box?

In order to hide the search box in select2, you can hide the search box by setting "minimumResultsForSearch" to a negative value. $('select'). select2({ minimumResultsForSearch: -1 });

3 Answers

After initializing select2, use below line of code to remove title attribute from select2 options from code. remove ` sign then put in your script file

like image 146
Nick Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09


I might be a bit late, but non of this solutions worked for me since I was dynamically adding select2 fields to UI.

This code did the trick for me:

$('.select2-selection__rendered').hover(function () {

If you are also dynamically adding select2 fields don't forget always to execute this code before above one:

$('.select2-selection__rendered').unbind('mouseenter mouseleave');

This code will first remove on hover listener on all select2 fields.

like image 8
Dean Koštomaj Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10

Dean Koštomaj

The problem can be reproduced in Select2 v4 by placing the mouse over the select box (in single selection mode) or over the selected tags (in multiple selection mode):

enter image description here enter image description here

The plugin attaches a title attribute to these elements by default, and there is no configuration option available to disable this behaviour.

I had ended up writing a small extension for the Select2 plugin. I've added a new option, selectionTitleAttribute, which must be set to false to remove the title attribute.

Add the following code right after the plugin's js file:

;(function($) {

  // Extend defaults
  var Defaults = $.fn.select2.amd.require('select2/defaults');

  $.extend(Defaults.defaults, {
    selectionTitleAttribute: true

  // SingleSelection
  var SingleSelection = $.fn.select2.amd.require('select2/selection/single');

  var _updateSingleSelection = SingleSelection.prototype.update;

  SingleSelection.prototype.update = function(data) {

    // invoke parent method
    _updateSingleSelection.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));

    var selectionTitleAttribute = this.options.get('selectionTitleAttribute');

    if (selectionTitleAttribute === false) {
      var $rendered = this.$selection.find('.select2-selection__rendered');


  // MultipleSelection
  var MultipleSelection = $.fn.select2.amd.require('select2/selection/multiple');

  var _updateMultipleSelection = MultipleSelection.prototype.update;

  MultipleSelection.prototype.update = function(data) {

    // invoke parent method
    _updateMultipleSelection.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments));

    var selectionTitleAttribute = this.options.get('selectionTitleAttribute');

    if (selectionTitleAttribute === false) {
      var $rendered = this.$selection.find('.select2-selection__rendered');




Initialize the select2 plugin with the selectionTitleAttribute option set to false:

  // other options 
  selectionTitleAttribute: false


Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/hr8bqnpn/

like image 6
andreivictor Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 15:10
