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How to disable the option to deselect a row on TurboTable component?

So I have a table with data that gets populated throughout the use of the application. When a user clicks on a row, the row is highlighted and that row's data is populated beneath the table. I just want to disable the option of the user to deselect a row (this is done by clicking on the row again).

The code:

<p-table #purchaseOrdersList

<ng-template pTemplate="header">
      <th class="supplier-number-col">Supplier Number</th>
      <th class="supplier-name-col">Supplier Name</th>
      <th class="supplier-phone-col">Supplier Phone</th>

  <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-purchaseOrder>
    <tr [pSelectableRow]="selectedRow">

like image 994
Boris Avatar asked Jan 02 '23 20:01


1 Answers

I was having the exact same question, and came up with two solutions: a very simple one, and a slightly more complex solution:

Simple solution:

tr.ui-state-highlight {
    pointer-events: none;

This will prevent any selected row from being clicked again, thereby preventing deselection.

However, this will also prevent double-clicking the row. So if you need double-clicking, use the following solution:

Slighty more complex solution:

Add the following attribute to the p-table: (onRowUnselect)="cancelUnselect($event)", and then in your component do:

private _selectedPurchaseOrder: any;

get selectedPurchaseOrder() {
    return this._selectedPurchaseOrder;

set selectedPurchaseOrder(value: any) {
    if (value) {
        this._selectedPurchaseOrder = value;
    } else {
        this.purchaseOrdersList.selection = this._selectedPurchaseOrder;

cancelUnselect(event) {
        this.purchaseOrdersList.selection = event.data;

This will prevent deselection of a row in all cases, and double-clicking is still possible.

like image 157
HammerNL Avatar answered Jan 05 '23 15:01
