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How to disable Signup in Firebase 3.x

I have created some users using firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword and would like to stop signUp now, but keep signIn working. I tried some rules on users and even to stop writing to firebase at all. However registration was still possible. Disabling Email/Password within console disables login too.

{   "rules": {         ".read": true,         ".write": false,       } } 

Any ideas how to apply security rules to users in Firebase 3?

like image 525
ZimZim Avatar asked Jul 13 '16 16:07


People also ask

Can we use Firebase without authentication?

No Firebase Authentication…To use the Firebase Storage we need to authenticate a user via Firebase authentication. The default security rules require users to be authenticated. Firebase Storage is basically a powerful and simple object storage, in which you can store your files easily.

1 Answers

Firebase explicitly separates authentication (signing in to the app) from authorization (accessing database or storage resources from the app).

You cannot disable sign-up without disabling sign-in for all users, which is not what you want.

In a typical scenario, developer will start securing database/file access based on the authenticated user. See the relevant section in the docs for database security and storage security.

If your use-case is that you only want specific users to have access, you'll probably want to implement a whitelist: a list of users that are allowed to access the data.

You can do that in your security rules:

{   "rules": {         ".read": "auth.uid == '123abc' || auth.uid == 'def456'",         ".write": false,       } } 

Or (better) by putting the list of allowed uids in your database and referring to that from your security rules:

"allowedUids": {     "123abc": true,     "def456": true } 

And then:

{   "rules": {         ".read": "root.child('allowedUids').child(auth.uid).exists()",         ".write": false,       } } 
like image 178
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10

Frank van Puffelen