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How to disable Resharper messages in VS 2019 statusbar?

I know it sounds weird, but this drives me crazy...

Resharper gives me an animated message in the VS status bar, zillion times a day (practically continuously). To make the thing worst, it is animated (slides from right into, the sides back to the right) This gets my eyes there, and interrupts my work, again practically repeats in every few seconds... The message is completely boring, btw:

Sync solution: Roslyn projects changed but no projects saved

I do know how to hide VS Status bar completely, but this way I lose many useful information about Git, for example.


Please recommend a way how to get the rid of either this particular message, or even all Resharper status bar messages.

enter image description here

like image 734
g.pickardou Avatar asked Apr 22 '20 17:04


2 Answers

Try to disable ReSharper | Options | Environment | General | "Read solution directly from project/solution files."

like image 102
square.unit Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10


Try this: Resharper|Options|Environment|PerformanceGuide and uncheck the option at top "Enable performance suggestions". That seems to be working for me, I was experiencing the same behavior.

like image 27
Brian McLaughlin Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10

Brian McLaughlin