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How to disable PyDev console debugger in PyCharm when not debugging?



Whenever I run a script in PyCharm, it starts the PyDev debugger (with IPython terminal).

  • My script does not fail or raise any errors, and
  • I'm not debugging: I'm running "Run" -> "Run file.py" from menu.

I've figured out how to disable the IPython terminal, but then it just runs the "normal" terminal instead. I just want to run scripts and print output to console, and then exit.

How to disable this?

like image 850
Thomas Fauskanger Avatar asked Dec 21 '17 04:12

Thomas Fauskanger

1 Answers

The solution was to go to Run->Edit Configurations... and for the run configuration untick the box that says Show command line afterwards (See image below.)

If you have any existing run configurations, they must all be changed. Changing the default configuration will, as expected, affect all new configurations. A configuration is created for each file that is being run.

Update: Thanks to @smb for adding that for Mac users or people on Py Charm Professional 2018.1.1: the Show command line afterwards option is now called "Run with Python Console". Unticking this box has the same effect as the "Show command line afterwards" option.

enter image description here

like image 139
Thomas Fauskanger Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10

Thomas Fauskanger