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Documenting Python parameters in docstring using PyCharm



I'm having some trouble figuring out the proper way to document a method in Pycharm to achieve type hints AND parameter description.

In Pycharm's documentation it suggests:

:param "type_name" "param_name": "param_description"

(1) However, when I try to use that, the function definition does not properly show the parameter description:

enter image description here

(2) If I switch to leading with the @ sign I get a list of parameters and their types, but I do not get the parameter description:

enter image description here

(3) If I stick with the @ sign and drop the types, I get the parameter descriptions:

enter image description here

(4) If I explicitly add @type for each @param (which completely blows up the size of the comment block), everything works properly (but I hate the size of the comment):

enter image description here

(5) Finally, for sake of completeness, using : instead of @ causes everything to fail to populate:

enter image description here

Note that I have tried changing the documentation system within Pycharm, but it doesn't affect how it renders the documentation -- it only seems to affect how it autopopulates a comment block for you.

How can I achieve documentation as close to example (1) which is compact, but actually have it populate the function definition properly? I'd hate to be stuck with style (4).

like image 315
gnychis Avatar asked Aug 03 '15 20:08


2 Answers

Have you checked Settings... - Tools - Python integrated tools - Docstring format? You can choose the parsing style.

You can choose from:

  • Plain
  • Epytext
  • reStructuredText
  • Numpy
  • Google
like image 153
WesternGun Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 07:10


Copied straight from Pycharm: Auto generate `:type param:` field in docstring:

Per the documentation:

If configured, the documentation comment stubs can be generated with type and rtype tags.

Following the link:


  1. In the Smart Keys page, select the check box Insert 'type' and 'rtype' to the documentation comment stub.

Once you have done this, put the cursor in a parameter name in the definition, activate the Smart Keys feature (Alt+Enter, by default) and select Specify type for reference in docstring. This will insert the appropriate comment line . Similarly you can put the cursor in the function/method name and select Specify return type in docstring.

So now if you type """ after a function declaration it creates them automatically for you:

def funct(a, b, c):

    :param a: 
    :type a: 
    :param b: 
    :type b: 
    :param c: 
    :type c: 
like image 42
Roman Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 06:10
